Distance Education is gradually becoming popular among Indian students as it offers liberty to learn while earn and anytime anywhere learning. Acquiring a degree or diploma through Distance Education mode seems to facilitate the needs of today’s fast – paced; degree-conscious youngsters. Almost all the study disciplines are offered through Distance Education in India. Students have open options to choose any institute of choice when taking education through distance learning mode.
Almost all recognized universities and academic institutions in India offers distance education programs in whole range of disciplines. To facilitate students all such institutions have Department Of Distance Education which looks after course delivery, conduct of examination, students’ queries and various other academic activities. The Distance Education Departments of different universities and institutions are approved from Directorate of Distance Education (DDE) for imparting courses and award degrees.
The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is the largest university of its kind in Asia for courses delivery through distance education. The University offers whole range of programs through distance education including management.
Both technical and non technical education is offered by different universities and institutions in India through distance education mode. Huge pool of students prefers earning professional qualification in management through distance education, as it helps them to achieve their academic/career goals by sticking to their own study-schedule. The other main feature of Distance Education is its affordability. The fee structure of Distance/Correspondence Programs is generally much lesser than the regular ones.
We have taken efforts to help prospective aspirants by providing the Zone – Wise List of Institutes/Universities in India that offer degree/diploma programs in Management discipline though distance education.