The university provides Masters, Bachelors and certificate courses in Economics, Commerce, Management, Health and Environmental Science, Indian and Foreign languages.
Any eligible person can apply for admission in one of the courses of his choice, offered by the University. The admission form (Annexure-A) and prospectus may be obtained through Demand Draft of Rs. 350.00 from the sales counters of the University or by sending the demand draft of Rs.400.00 by registered post, drawn in favour of Nalanda Open University, Payable at Patna. No money order or postal order is accepted. The demand draft must be made in the name of Nalanda Open University payable at Patna. The admission form, supported by the photo copy of the relevant documents, must reach the Registrar, Nalanda Open University, 3rd Floor, Biscoumann Bhawan, Patna 800 001, Bihar, before the last date for submission of form, either personally or by registered post.
2nd/3rd Floor,
Biscomaun Bhawan,
Gandhi Maidan,
Patna 800 001 (BIHAR).
Telephone : 0612-2201013,0612-2206916 Fax : 0612-2201001 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] Website : ,