Geologist's Exam Pattern and Syllabus



Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) follows the given exam pattern for the Geologists’ exam that will be conducted from 02 Feb 2022.

A) Written Examination - 700 marks

The written exam would consist of 4 papers – the first paper (English) would be mandatory for applicants to all 4 categories (i.e. Geologist, Geophysicist,Chemist and Junior Hydrogeologist.) The remaining three papers would be subject-specific according to the post you’ve applied to.

1. General English (common for all category): 3 hours paper for 100 marks

Category – 1 For the post of Geologists
2. Geology Paper I: 3 hours paper for 200 marks
3. Geology Paper II: 3 hours paper for 200 marks
4. Geology Paper III: 3 hours paper for 200 marks

Category – 2 For the post of Geophysicists
2. Geophysics Paper I: 3 hours paper for 200 marks
3. Geophysics Paper II: 3 hours paper for 200 marks
4. Geophysics Paper III: 3 hours paper for 200 marks

Category – 3 For the post of Chemists
2. Chemistry Paper I: 3 hours paper for 200 marks
3. Chemistry Paper II: 3 hours paper for 200 marks
4. Chemistry Paper III: 3 hours paper for 200 marks

Category – 4 For the Post of Jr. Hydrogeologist
2. Geology Paper I: 3 hours paper for 200 marks
3. Geology Paper II: 3 hours paper for 200 marks
4. Hydrogeology: 3 hours paper for 200 marks

The questions in all subjects will be conventional (essay) type. All questions would be in English and every paper needs to be answered in English as well.

B) Interview / Personality Test - 200 marks

You will be interviewed by a board of competent and unbiased observers who will have a record of your career. The object of the interview is to assess your suitability for the posts for which you have competed. The main aim of the personality test (interview) is to evaluate the your capacity for leadership and initiative and to gauge your intellectual curiosity, tact and other social qualities such as mental and physical energy, powers of practical application, integrity of character and aptitude for adapting yourself to the field life.

Detailed Syllabus

The difficulty level of the General English paper will be such as may be expected of a science graduate. The papers on geological subjects will be approximately of the M.Sc. degree standard of an Indian University and the questions would aim to test your grasp of the fundamentals in each subject.
There won’t be any practical examination in any of the subjects.

Paper I: General English

You will have to write a short essay in English. Other questions will be designed to test your understanding of English and English usage.

Click here for detailed syllabus of the papers on Geology, Geophysics, Chemistry and Hydrogeology.

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