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CISCE ISC Mathematics - Introduction and Syllabus


Mathematics is an important subject of study for students who want to pursue a career in the field of engineering, business administration, chartered accountancy, statistics or even economics. For even those, who do not want to pursue a career in fields related to maths, but have it as a subject in their ISC, it becomes important to score well in each subject.

The course in Mathematics at the ISC stage aims:

  1. To enable candidates to acquire knowledge and to develop an understanding of the terms, concepts, symbols, definitions, principles, processes and formulae of Mathematics at the Senior Secondary stage
  2. To develop the ability to apply the knowledge and understanding of Mathematics to unfamiliar situations or to new problems
  3. To develop skills of -(a) computation. (b) reading tables, charts, graphs, etc.
  4. To develop an appreciation of the role of Mathematics in day-to-day life
  5. To develop an interest in Mathematics
  6. To develop a scientific attitude through the study of Mathematics.

ISC Mathematics Syllabus

To download the ISC Mathematics syllabus, click here

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