The schools have until December 31 to submit an application for an increase in the number of sections via the SARAS site.
In order to avoid problems with filling out the list of candidates (LOC) and other associated tasks, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has recommended schools that have fewer sections due to land availability request more sections. The School Affiliation Re-Engineered Automation System (SARAS) portal will accept applications from CBSE-affiliated schools through December 31, 2022. The board made this choice to avoid any last-minute problems while entering the student’s information.
As the schools encountered issues filling out student information at the time of registration, candidates in grades IX, X, XI, and XII were mentioned in the official CBSE notification. Therefore, schools may apply until December 31, 2022, to address this issue.
According to the quantity of land the school has access to, the CBSE has reaffirmed that schools are expected to operate the number of sections that fall within the authorized number of sections. Despite the fact that some schools have more property, it has been discovered that the number of sections they run is less than the total area that is available to the school.
As enrollment grows over time, these schools might need to add new sections. These schools might encounter problems submitting the LOCs given the number of sections currently available. This could make things more difficult for both the candidates and the schools.