cation is the principal instrument of developing human capabilities. It always helps to shape the destiny of a nation and future generation. Through the journey of human civilization the system of education has passed different phases. Earlier education was confined to a small group of people, or privileged classes. But with the change of time the Indian government has recognized the importance of education for all in the name of universal education. Even private educational institutes and corporate sectors have also contributed a lot for spreading the message on importance of education in our country. Along with this development, opportunities and infrastructure for higher education were also expanded rapidly. Now the educational institutions are offering different teaching modes and methods, educational philosophies and areas of emphasis, which is at par with international quality. Indian education system has now reached in the most technological advance phase of Egurukul from the primitive age system of Gurukul.
Campus based education has been the conventional method of imparting education in India but with the changes in the environment and the aspirations of the students education system and the methods of imparting education have also evolved. In order to reach out to all segments of society institutions have started imparting education through distance education, correspondence education, part-time education, and online education along with Campus education. No single method of imparting education can be said to completely cater to all the needs of the different segments of the society, as each method has its own advantages and its limitations. Present day education is existing in four other major categories other than the conventional Campus Education mode as mentioned here under:
Distance Education | Correspondence Education | Vocational Education |
Part time Education | Online Education |
Apart from this major categories of modes of education there is another mode of education exist in the global education scenario today, the e-learning education. The term e-learning is most frequently used to refer to computer-based training which incorporates technologies that support interactivity beyond that which would be provided by a single computer. E-learning, therefore, is an approach to facilitate and enhance learning through, and based on, both computer and communications technology. Such devices can include personal computers, CDROMs, Digital Television and Mobile Phones. Communications technology enables the use of the Internet, email, discussion forums, collaborative software and team learning systems.
E-learning can not be categorized as one among the modes of education listed above, since it can be used to teach and learn in all modes of education. E-learning through the use of WANs (Wide Area Networks), and may also be considered to be a form of flexible learning where just-in-time learning is possible. Courses can be tailored to specific needs and asynchronous learning is possible with this E-learning. When E-learning/teaching occurs exclusively online, this is called Online Education. When learning is distributed to mobile devices such as cell phones etc., it is called M-learning.