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Indian Coast Guard


Indian Coast Guard was established on 01 Feb 1977 as a new service for the requirement to enforce National Laws in the waters under national jurisdiction and ensure safety of life and property at sea. The agency provides following services to the Nation and marine community:

  • Ensuring safety and protection of the artificial islands, offshore installations and other structure in our maritime zones.
  • Providing protection to fishermen and assistance to them at sea while in distress.
  • Preservation and protection of our maritime environment including prevention and control of maritime pollution.
  • Assistance to the Department of Custom and other authorities in anti-smuggling operations.
  • Enforcement of MZI Acts.
  • Initiating measures for the safety of life and property at sea.

To provide the above services, the agency requires suitable candidates for its various positions. For an effective Coast Guard service, no single factor is as important as the men who are in it.

Despite the all-round technological advancement, the single most important factor even today, are the Officer and Men who will ultimately meet the challenge at sea. For the Coast Guard to be efficient, it requires top rate men.

You could be just the man for this challenging sea-going career if you are intelligent and bold and can think with originality and possess leadership qualities. The career opportunities are many; only you have to select a particular position which best suits your eligibility condition.


Indian Coast Guard Job Prospects

Service in Coast Guard is not merely an employment; it is where you play the most important role of protecting the national interests of your motherland. The life of a Coast Guard officer is a happy mix of many things: hard work, professionalism, risk and adventure and the opportunity to move around and visit different places within India and abroad and to meet a variety of people.

There is also the satisfaction of being involved in the nation’s defence. Thus career in the Coast Guard cannot be measured in financial terms only. Good pay and abundant perks are supplemented by a constantly improving job satisfying versatile career difficult to match in civil life.

One can join the Coast guard under the officers’ entry scheme or under the Naviks & Yantriks entry scheme depending on his education, age and other eligibility criteria as applicable.

The various positions available in the officer’s scheme are: Assistant Commandant (General Duty), Assistant Commandant General Duty (Pilot/Naviator), and Assistant Commandant (Technical Branch). Positions available under Naviks and Yantriks scheme are: Yantriks, Naviks (General Duty) and Naviks (Domestics Branch).

The professionals are paid with lucrative salary; in addition they also receive perks and other allowances from time to time as decided by the authority.

Rank Structure



Minimum time to be spent  in each Rank to become eligible for promotion

Asst Comdt/Dy Comdt

6 years as Asst Comdt



2 years as Dy Comdr

Deputy Inspector General

8 years as Comdt

Inspector General

6 years as DIG

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