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Library Science Career in India


Down the ages, Libraries have been regarded as hub for knowledge. They always catered to the infotainment (information plus entertainment) needs of the masses. The basic aim of library is to disseminate knowledge.

With the rise in the number of institutes in the field of learning and the strengthening of research activities, the importance of libraries is growing day by day. All this has resulted in a lucrative and exciting career opportunity for professionals competent in administrating and running a library.

Today, librarianship has emerged as a separate discipline and is among the popular choices of many students. A modern –day library today comprises of, periodicals, micro-films, videos, cassettes slides and most importantly thousands books.

Library science is the profession which takes care of organizing, maintenance and storage of books in a library. Librarians are the guardian of library and they assist people in finding information

Library Science Eligibility Criteria

Normally minimum qualification required to pursue a course in Library Science is set as graduation. There are also diploma and certificate courses in the subject. Candidates with graduation can go for Bachelors degree in library science. Duration of this bachelor’s course is one year. Those with Bachelor degree in library science can further opt for Masters Degree in library science which is again of one year duration. Many universities also offer M.Phil and Ph.D in this field.

Library Science Syllabus

Course areas generally cover library and information systems management, classification/cataloguing systems, bibliography, documentation, maintenance and conservation of manuscript, library management, research methodology, computer applications, information processing, archives management, indexing, library planning etc.

Library Science Job Prospects

A trained library science graduate can find ample opportunities with:

Public/Government libraries

  • Universities and other academic institutions
  • Media houses, News agencies and news groups
  • Private organizations and special libraries
  • Foreign embassies
  • Photo/film libraries
  • Information centre’s/documentation centers
  • Large companies and organization with huge information handling requirements
  • Museums and galleries with huge library facilities and reading rooms and research facilities.

Library Science Pay Package

Librarianship is such profession which offers Salaries according to the individual’s qualifications and experience. The other factors which matter are size and the nature of the hiring institutions.Average annual earnings of a typical librarian can range anywhere between Rs. 100,000 – Rs.25, 00,000.

Library Science Institutes/Universities

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Public/Government libraries

  • University of Delhi

University Road, Delhi 110 007
Phone South Campus: 011-24119832
Phone North Campus: 011-2766709, 27667011, 27667190
Fax : 011-27667049

  • Jamia Millia University

Jamia Nagar,
New Delhi -110025
Tel: 26984650, 26985180

  • Bombay University

M.G. Road, Fort
Mumbai – 400 032 Maharashtra, Pin: 400032
Phone: 22 – 2652825
Fax: 22 – 2652832

  • University of Calcutta

Senate House,
87 /1 College Street,
Kolkata-700 073, West Bengal
Tel: 033 22410071(O) 24106741(R)
Fax: 22413222

  • Aligarh Muslim University

Aligarh Muslim University,
Department of Library & Information Science,
Aligarh 202002

  • Banaras Hindu University

Department of Library & Information Science,
Varanasi 221005

  • Amravati University

Department of Library and Information Science,
Tapowan Road Camp,
Amravati 444602,
Ph: EPABX 662358, 662206-8
Fax: 0721-662135/660949

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