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Importance of Self Assessment


The importance of self-assessment while on the verge of taking decision about your future cannot be stressed enough. It is so important that you begin by asking yourself “Who am I?” and then making step by step, a professional personality for yourself. This inmost journey helps you in the process of self-evaluation, giving clarity to your thoughts and helping you to define your interests, preferred skills, your preferred work values, your educational aspirations and even helps you to define your work personality. You have to consider various aspects and put together a summary profile of yourself so that you can take informed decisions. Remember that Self-assessment is a process that you should undertake periodically throughout your life.

Self-Assessment Quiz

Our team of experts at National Network of Education( NNE) has compiled a quiz that will help you in assessing your skills. Below is a set of questions, read them carefully and rate yourself accordingly. So what are you waiting for -Grab a pencil and paper and yes GOODLUCK!

  • If your answer is true- Give yourself 2
  • If you are not sure- Give yourself 1
  • If you think it is not true – Give yourself  a Zero
My Interests…
  • I like to solve mathematical or scientific problems.
  • I like to work with machines and tools
  • I like to help people, like teaching, first aid, or giving information.
  • I like to do creative activities like art, drama, crafts, dance, music, or creative writing.
  • I like to lead and persuade people, and can sell ideas and things.
  • I like to work with numbers, records, or machines in a set, orderly way.
My Abilities…
  • I am good at understanding and solving science and math problems.
  • I have good skills in working with tools, mechanical drawings, machines, or animals.
  • I am good at teaching, counseling, nursing, or giving information.
  • I have good artistic abilities — in creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.
  • I am good at leading people and selling things or ideas.
  • I am good at maintaining written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way.
My opinion… How do you see yourself? Decide the extent to which each of the statements suits you and rate yourself accordingly.
  • I am precise, scientific, and intellectual.
  • I am practical, mechanical, and realistic.
  • I am helpful, friendly, and trustworthy.
  • I am artistic, imaginative, original, and independent.
  • I am energetic, ambitious, and sociable.
  • I am orderly and good at following a set plan.
My Values…..
  • I value science.
  • I value practical things and making better.
  • I value helping people and solving social problems.
  • I value creative arts like drama, music, art, or the works of creative writers.
  • I value success in politics, leadership, or business.
  • I value success in business.


  • After rating yourself now its time to get the results For example
  • If your answer is “I like to solve mathematical or scientific problems�? then rate yourself as 2.
  • For next question “I am good at teaching, counseling, nursing, or giving information�? the answer is again true, rate yourself as 2.
  • Again for next question�? I am artistic, imaginative, original, and independent�? your answer is not true then give yourself a Zero
  • If for the last question “I value helping people and solving social problems“ you have answer as not sure(may be /may be not)  then add 1 to your

The total comes out to be 5: Your personality type is Analytical and the career that suit you are Detective, Technical Writer, Banking, Insurance, Accounts, Charted Accountant, Company Secretary, Foreign Languages Teacher, Stock Broker.

Test Scores Interpretation

Personality Types
  Related Careers
 Analytical  0-8 Analytical Careers
 Pragmatic 8-16 Pragmatic Careers
 Social  16-24 Social Careers
 Artistic 24-32 Artistic Careers
 Enterprising  32-40  Enterprising Careers
 Conventional 40-48 Conventional Careers

Analytical Occupations: Detective, Technical Writer, Banking, Insurance, Accounts, Charted Accountant, Company Secretary, Foreign Languages Teacher, Stock Broker etc.

Pragmatic Occupations: Veterinary Surgeons, Fire Fighters, Audio and Video Technicians, Farm Workers, Journalist, Agriculture Technician, Archaeologist, Anthropologist, Criminologist, Lawyer, Dairy Farmers, Poultry Farmers, Horticulturist etc.

Social Occupations: Social Workers, Teachers, Nurses, Therapists, Psychiatrist, Psycgologist etc.

Artistic: Painters, Singer, Musician, Actor, Dancer, Fashion Designer, Photographer, Modeling, Theatre, Jewelery Designer, Interior Decorator, Beautician etc.

Enterprising: Entrepreneurs, Lawyers, CEO, Public Relation Office, Program Directors, Chef, Hospitality and Retail Managers, Vastu and Feng Shui Expert etc.

Conventional: Doctor, Lecturer, Engineer, Scientist, Armed Forces, and IAS/IES/IPS, Charted Accountant, Company Secretary, Lawyers etc.

P.SPlease note that this test is totally based on assumption. The above mentioned careers are not the only career option  that you can have or if your score leads you “Analytical type of personality�? then you cannot have any other career.

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