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CBSE Class 12 History


The CBSE Class 12 curriculum for History is designed to introduce students to important historical sources. The syllabus is designed in a manner, so as to help students understand the process through which historians write history, by choosing and assembling different types of evidence, and by reading their sources critically. They will appreciate how historians follow the trails that lead to the past, and how historical knowledge develops; discover the relationship between different methods of enquiry within history and the allied disciplines; detailed study of some themes in ancient, medieval and modern Indian history although the attempt is to soften the distinction between what is conventionally termed as ancient, medieval and modern.


Also see: CBSE Class 10th resultsCBSE Class 12th results

Each theme for class XII will be organized around four subheads: a detailed overview of the events, issues and processes under discussion; a summary of the present state of research on the theme; an account of how knowledge about the theme has been acquired; an excerpt from a primary source related to the theme, explaining how it has been used by historians.

CBSE Class 12 Arts: History Syllabus and Preparation tips

For more information on Syllabus, Preparation Tips for CBSE Class 12 History and History Sample Papers for Class 12 History, please click on the following links:

CBSE Class 12 Arts: History NCERT Books

CBSE offers courses directly out of NCERT books and so the preparation is to be done using those books namely,

  • Themes in Indian History (Part I)
  • Themes in Indian History (Part II)
  • Themes in Indian History (Part III)

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