Economics is one of the social sciences, which has great influence on every human being. As economic life and the economy go through changes, the need to ground education becomes essential. While doing so, it is imperative to provide them opportunities to acquire analytical skills to observe and understand the economic realities.
At senior secondary stage, the learners are in a position to understand abstract ideas, exercise the power of thinking and to develop their own perception. It is at this stage, the learners are exposed to the rigor of the discipline of economics in a systematic way.
The economics courses are introduced in such a way that in the initial stage, the learners are introduced to the economic realities that the nation is facing today along with some basic statistical tools to understand these broader economic realities. In the later stage, the learners are introduced to economics as a theory of abstraction.
The economics courses also contain many projects and activities. These will provide opportunities for the learners to explore various economic issues both from their day-to-day life and also from issues, which are broader and invisible in nature. The academic skills that they learn in these courses would help to develop the projects and activities. The Class 12 Economics Syllabus is also expected to provide opportunities to use information and communication technologies to facilitate their learning process.
We, at IndiaEducation.Net have tried to bring under one umbrella, all the resources that a student might need for his preparations for the CBSE Class 12 Economics exam, including sample papers and CBSE HOT (Higher Order Thinking) questions provided by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.
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