Computer Science, as a subject, has been introduced for students who intend to pursue a career in the field of Information Technology. Information Technology is one of the hottest and most preferred careers in India, today. A software developer must be well versed with software languages, and C lays groundwork for a budding software engineer to learn the concepts of most programming languages.
The CBSE curriculum for class 12 Computer Science is designed specifically to develop logic for problem solving, in budding software engineers. The course focuses on concepts like Object Oriented Methodology, which forms the basis for many other programming languages, and its implementation using C . The course also familiarizes the students with Relational Databases and their importance in software development, how to use databases in product development and the use of queries.
Digital systems are the backbone of Information Technology and hence, the course also teaches the logic of Boolean algebra, on which digital systems work.
The field of Information Technology is not restricted to software development only. It also includes the field of networking, and, hence, the CBSE syllabus also covers the basics of Networking and Communications.
Since computer languages have applications in the industry, CBSE syllabus also lays emphasis on practical education.
For more information on Syllabus, Preparation Tips for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science and Computer Science Sample Papers for Class 12, please click on the following links:
CBSE question papers are based on NCERT course books, you can find the list below: