Exams, be it at the entrance level, university level or even at the school level, can be one of the major causes of stress. The CBSE board exams, considered to be the most important exam for high school level students, it is considerably important and according to several surveys has known to left a impactful mark on student’s mental health. If you or someone you know is about to give their CBSE board examination in the coming year, keep reading!
The key to performing well in the exams, apart from, studying hard, grasping everything and retaining everything, is being able to study smart and in a proper manner, so that your efforts essentially convert into impressive performance. Just in case you missed out, the CBSE 10th datesheet and CBSE 12th timetable for this year is out now. Both CBSE 10th and 12th class examination will commence from 15th February 2020 onwards.
For constant updates on the CBSE Board Examination visit ExamResults.
We have tried to collate some helpful preparation tips that you, as an exam taker can follow to do well in your upcoming board examination –
Sleep early, get up early in the morning, have a proper breakfast and then study. Do not stay up late and try avoiding to worry about counter-productive moments, you got this – keep preparing for the important day. Take out an hour or two to relax and not think about the exams. Read, sleep, play or do whatever you think diverts your attention away from exams.
(Read: 8 foods to increase your brain power)
Munch on healthy food while you study. Junk food are a big no-no!
Exercise your brain in a constructive way, and do not burden it with a lot of thoughts. Be clear in your mind and do not pressure yourself to cover things that are beyond your reach.
Make realistic targets for a day. Even Rome was not built in a day. Do not overdo things.
Do not try and study everything in a single day. Try taking it slow and apportion your revision accordingly.
Of the 5 or 6 subjects, pick up 2 or a maximum of 3 subjects and pick up a topic or two from each and go into the depths of the topics, instead of skimming 8-10 topics.
Plan your day well. Like a good meal, it is important to have all the essential ingredients while studying as well. Do not have all easy subjects/topics in a day or do not over burden yourself with topics that you find difficult. To maximize your output, start your “study day” with a light subject for an hour or so, once you get warmed up, take up a heavy subject or a topic.
Study that for 2 hours or so and gradually increase the level of preparation. For example, if you find Mathematics tough and English easy, start your study day by reading a chapter or 2 from your NCERT literature text book for English.
After you are done with English, solve a topic from Mathematics for 2 hours. Gradually increase the level of difficulty of the questions you attempt. Once you are through with this exercise, take a break for a while and resume with a topic you are relatively comfortable with.
(Also read: 2020 Preparation tips for Pre-Board exams)
It is often said that there is no better practice than match practice. Solve one CBSE sample question paper each day, preferably from 10 AM to 1 PM, in an environment as close to the one you expect at your examination center. After you have solved the paper, mark yourself as per the CBSE marking scheme.
Pick a different subject for each of the five/six days. Assess yourself at the end of the week, look at your weak areas and try to rectify them in the weeks to follow. While solving sample papers, make a point to solve the ones provided by the CBSE. The papers provided by the CBSE are the closest possible papers to the real thing available to you.
Click here for CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers
Click here for CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers
Attempting sample question papers is one of the best ways to revise for your exams
Exercise and meditation help improve concentration. Many of the athletes and sports professionals regularly employ meditation methods. Studies have found a direct correlation between concentration exercises (meditation) and the performance level of sports professionals.
Meditation strengthens the mind, it comes under control and is able to provide effective guidance to the physical body to effectively execute all its projects. Psychological Exercises are a powerful way of improving concentration and improving mental strength.
So go for a walk in the park early in the morning before you start studying or spend 15 minutes meditating, adopting yoga poses like the Lotus Pose.
(Also read: 5 ways to keep your brain sharp)
Yoga and other forms of exercise/ meditation can help you relax your mind & concentrate better
So, when you look at it, the final month is important for everyone. The ones who have their preparation in fourth gear can still improve it by putting it in overdrive and the ones who have some doubts can still improve by concentrating on their weak areas while simultaneously focusing on their areas of strength. During this time, the aim of a student should be to perform to the best of his/her abilities and also concentrating on keeping himself healthy.
Like Lord Krishna said, “Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana, Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani”, you should concentrate on performing to the best of your abilities while not worrying much about the end results.
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