The state government launched the learning recovery programme in May 2022 to close the achievement gap among students as a result of the pandemic.
The State Learning Achievement Survey among students in government schools was completed by the Karnataka School Quality Assessment & Accreditation Council in order to evaluate the learning outcomes of students on various criteria, particularly following the introduction of the Kalika Chetarike (learning recovery) programme.
The state government launched the learning recovery programme in May 2022 to close the achievement gap among students as a result of the epidemic. The method assigns grades to pupils in a concentric manner and evaluates them using workbooks and hands-on learning.
The survey was also done to evaluate students’ learning progress over the previous few years. Over 2.1 lakh students in grades 3, 5, 8, 9, and 10 participated in the survey, which was conducted in 3,308 government institutions. Students in classes 3 and 5 were evaluated on their language and numeracy skills as well as their knowledge of the environment. Students in classes 8, 9, and 10 were evaluated based on their knowledge of language, arithmetic, science, and social science.
Students from classes 9 and 10 have been included in the study, according to Gopalakrishna HN, director (exams) of the Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB), because they were in classes 7 and 8 respectively during the pandemic and advanced to high school level without attending regular classes. “The analysis is under progress, and the survey is finished. We need to evaluate about 10 lakh student answer sheets that are descriptive before we can release the report, which might have been released last week in February. Earlier in 2016, an all-student survey was done; however, this time, in light of the pandemic and the launch of a learning recovery programme, we have chosen a random sample.