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The Common Entrance Examination For Design (CEED) is conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD).


CEED is the qualifying examination for admission to postgraduate Master of Design (M.Des.) programmes at the Industrial Design Centre (IIT Bombay), Interdisciplinary Industrial Design Programme (IIT Delhi), Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (IISc Bangalore), Department of Design (IIT Guwahati) and Design Programme (IIT Kanpur) and Ph.D. programmes in Design at IISc. Bangalore and IIT Bombay.

However, IIT Kanpur and IISc Bangalore also consider Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) scores for admission to Master of Design programmes. The examination tests candidates on visual perception ability, drawing skills, design aptitude and communication skills.

CEED/GATE qualification alone does not guarantee admission to design programmes offered at IITs or IISc Bangalore. Candidates also have to fulfill other requirements such as tests and interviews by the respective institutes for admission.

IIT CEED 2022: Important Dates 2022

Online Application (Regular Fee)SEPTEMBER 9 – NOVEMBER 11, 2021
Online Application (Late Fee)NOVEMBER 12 – NOVEMBER 16, 2021
Admit Card AvailabilityJANUARY 8, 2022 ONWARDS
CEED 2022 Exam DateJANUARY 23, 2022, SUNDAY 9:00 AM TO 12:00 NOON 
Part A Draft Answer Key JANUARY 25, 2022
Questions for Answer Key Last Date JANUARY 27, 2022 (5:00 PM)
Part A Final Answer Key JANUARY 31, 2022
CEED 2022 Result Date MARCH 8, 2022
Score Card Availability March 2022


CEED 2022 will be conducted for admission to postgraduate master’s and Ph.D. programmes in design offered by the following institutes:

IISc Bangalore

M.Des. in Product Design & Engineering*

PhD in Design

IIT Bombay

M.Des. in Industrial Design, Communication Design, Animation, Interaction Design, Mobility & Vehicle Design

PhD in Design

IIT DelhiM.Des. in Industrial Design
IIT GuwahatiM.Des. in Design
IIT Hyderabad

M.Des. in Visual Design

PhD in Design

IIITDM JabalpurM.Des. in Product Design & Visual Design*
IIT Kanpur

M.Des. in Design*

PhD in Design

* GATE qualified candidates are eligible to apply for these particular programmes at IISc Bangalore, IIITDM Jabalpur and IIT Kanpur.

Educational Qualification

You must have completed or expect to complete one of the following by July 2022:

  • Bachelor’s degree in architecture, design, engineering, interior design or equivalent (four-year programme after 10+2)
  • Professional Diploma in Design (National Institute of Design (NID), Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT) or an equivalent 4 year program)
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), four-year professional programme after 10+2
  • Government Diploma (G.D.) Art (five-year programme after 10th) with one year of professional experience
  • 2 year Master’s degree in arts, computer applications or science (i.e. after 10+2+3)

Before applying for CEED, you should make sure that you are eligible for admission in your prospective programme. You will not be eligible if you have a three year bachelors degree. There is not an age limit for the test and candidates may appear as many times as they wish.

Eligibility Criteria

Each school has specific requirements for eligibility. Check with each school for complete eligible and admission requirements.

  • IISc Bangalore M.Des.

In order to be eligible for the M.Des. programme at the Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM), you should have a degree in design, engineering or architecture. Admission is decided through a design aptitude test (DAT) and an interview. A short list for the DAT is created from CEED or GATE scores. If you do not yet have your CEED or GATE score, you may simply include your registration number.

  • IIT Kanpur M.Des.

The Design Programme (DP) offers a two-year M.Des. for candidates with a bachelor’s degree in design, architecture or engineering and a valid CEED or GATE score. If you have a fine arts or interior design degree, you may not apply. If you are short-listed, you may be called for a brief written assignment and interview.

  • IIT Bombay M.Des.

The Industrial Design Centre (IDC) requires at least 55 percent marks in the qualifying exam (50 percent for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates):

Industrial Design

  • Bachelor’s degree in architecture, design, engineering, interior design or equivalent
  • Professional Diploma in Design (CEPT, NID or equivalent)

Visual Communication, Animation and Interaction Design

  • Bachelor’s degree in architecture, design, engineering, interior design or equivalent
  • BFA (four-year professional programme after the 10+2)
  • Professional Diploma in Design (CEPT, NID or equivalent)
  • Master’s degree in science, arts or computer applications
  • G.D. Art (five-year programme after 10th) with one year of professional experience

Mobility and Vehicle Design

  • Professional Diploma in Design (CEPT, NID or equivalent)
  • Bachelor’s degree in architecture, design, engineering, interior design or equivalent
  • BFA (four-year professional programme in commercial art or fine art after the 10+2)

If you have a valid CEED score, you may be called for an interview and departmental written test.

  • IIT Delhi M.Des.

For the Interdisciplinary Master of Industrial Design Programme, you should have at least 60 percent aggregate marks or CGPA of 6.75 on a 10 point scale (general category and Other Backward Classes Non-creamy Layer). For SC/ST category candidates, 55 percent aggregate marks are required. You are only eligible if you have a degree in engineering or architecture. GATE scores are not considered.

  • IIT Guwahati M.Des.

The Department of Design offers an M.Des. in addition to a Bachelor of Design (B.Des.) and Ph.D. Candidates for the M.Des. should have:

  1. Four-your bachelor’s degree in architecture, design, engineering, interior design or equivalent or four-year professional Diploma in Design from NID or equivalent (five-year diploma from CEPT)
  2. 55 percent minimum marks in qualifying diploma or degree

Valid CEED scores are considered for admission in addition to a creative interactive session and personal interview.

CEED 2022: Exam Pattern

The test is conducted for three hours without a break. Parts A and B must be answered. The first part (10.00 am – 11.00 am) is a screening test with multiple choice questions conducted online. The second part (11.00 am – 1.00 pm) consists of design and hand drawing type questions.

To have the second part evaluated, you must meet the minimum cutoff marks. Scores from Part B are used for a merit list and a CEED 2022 qualified list.

The test is set in English. There is no recommended textbook for exam preparation, but you may want to work on rendering, drawing and visualization skills.

CEED 2022: Exam Centres

The exam will be held in the following 24 centres:

  • Ahmedabad
  • Bengaluru
  • Bhopal
  • Bhubaneswar
  • Chandigarh
  • Chennai
  • Dehradun
  • Delhi
  • Ernakulam
  • Guwahati
  • Hyderabad
  • Jaipur
  • Kolkata
  • Kozhikode
  • Lucknow
  • Mumbai
  • Nagpur
  • Patna
  • Pune
  • Raipur
  • Thiruvananthapuram
  • Thrissur
  • Vishakhaptnam

CEED 2022: Application Form

n order to apply for CEED, you must fill out the online application and upload your photo and signature on You do not need to send a hard copy of the application to the CEED office.

Application Fee:

Women CandidatesRs. 1300
SC/ST/PWD CandidatesRs. 1300
All Other CandidatesRs. 2600

Note: The application fee mentioned above is for all the candidates applying before the last date. After the last date, i.e. November 11, 2022, an additional late fee of Rs. 500 will be charged for ALL the candidates.

CEED 2022: Results

Exam results will be available on, where results for other tests are also available.

Contact Details

  • Chairperson

    JEE (Advanced)-UCEED-CEED 2022

    Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

    Mumbai – 400076

    Telephone: (91) 22 2576 9093



If you have any questions related to CEED 2022, you can post your questions in our Questions & Answers section for CEED.

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