Here are a few sample questions for ATMA that may help you prepare for the upcoming ATMA 2018 exam:
ATMA contains 180 questions spread over 6 sections. In the paper based test, each section is timed separately, whereas there’s no such requirement for the online test. Total duration of the test is 3 hours. A negative score of 0.25 point would be given for every incorrect answer. Correct answers would be awarded a one point each.
Following is the structure of ATMA:
No. of Questions: 30 Allotted Time (mins): 30
No. of Questions: 30 Allotted Time (mins): 30
No. of Questions: 30 Allotted Time (mins): 30
No. of Questions: 30 Allotted Time (mins): 30
No. of Questions: 30 Allotted Time (mins): 30
No. of Questions: 30 Allotted Time (mins): 30
No. of Questions: 180 Allotted Time (mins): 180
Note: In the actual test, the same sequence might not be followed.
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