With only 3 days left to CAT 2017, many CAT aspirants must be wondering how to make the best out of their time. The right last minute preparation tips can help you to score your best and get into any of the top B-schools of the country. The last few days before a national level entrance exam like CAT, candidates tend to get nervous and anxious. But anxiety during this time can only do more harm than good.
The competition will be tough and candidates need to work very hard and at the same time keep their cool to give their best shot on D-day. Here are few last minute tips that might help all the CAT 2017 aspirants:
Remember, you have prepared for this all through the year and you are capable enough to get through. Have confidence in yourself; motivate yourself that you can do it. Don’t let the exam pressure affect your confidence and will to crack the entrance exam.
With CAT around the corner, you must focus on time management which is very much essential to finish the exam on time. Learn ways to solve problems easily, for smaller problems rely on mental calculations. This will save time and let you attempt maximum questions in limited time.
Proper practice along with time management is the key to get top score in CAT exam. You need to do more mock tests and sample question papers so that you can understand the question pattern and practicing more means reducing chances of mistakes and errors in your test paper.
Image Courtesy:http://cienciauanl.uanl.mx
Make note of anything that you find important and worthy of last minute revise before the exam, note down important formulas and points that you have covered throughout the course of your preparation. Go through these notes daily until the day of your examination. A quick revision few hours before the examination can boost your confidence.
Identify the areas you are strong at, make sure you attempt all the questions from those sections and solve them correctly. Your strength areas will help you score the maximum marks, hence be well versed on those areas.
You have already put in most of the effort that you can for CAT preparation. It might not be possible for a candidate to master in every topic from different sections. Do not panic, practice those that you are good at and let go the ones that you think needs more time. Devoting time to learn new things at the last moment is definitely not a wise decision.
Image Courtesy: http://www.thehindu.com
Candidates must know exactly when to stop, you might come across a question from a particular topic that you have practiced very well but it may happen that you cannot solve the question at the exam hall. In such a situation, do not sit and think where you went wrong, rather attempt the next question. Remember not to leave behind a couple of question just to answer the one that you thought will fetch you full marks.
In between all the preparations, do not forget to take adequate rest. Sleep for at least 8 hours a day to rejuvenate yourself. Remember to appear for the exam with a fresh mind. Avoid fatigue by not putting too much pressure on yourself in these 3 days.
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