WAT Essay Topics: In India, IIMs hold the prestigious position of being the best institutions from which to pursue MBA studies and launch a successful career in business management and administration.
Many MBA aspirants dedicate months of study to clearing MBA entrance exams to pave their way to study at the IIM of their choice. Countless institutions provide coaching and mock test rounds to prepare students to easily tackle the questions and also to manage their time efficiently. In recent years, Written Ability Test (WAT) or Essay Writing Test have become popular at the IIMs and are usually followed by the Personal Interview (PI) round. This is in line with the admissions policy employed by the best B-Schools around the world.
The WAT-PI stage of the admissions process can have 30 to 70 percent value in the overall score. WAT essay topics differ from one IIM to another but are on the whole meant to gauge a student’s comprehension ability and command over language. This article lists some of the most popular WAT essay topics used by IIMs in the entrance exams and also examines which topics should be prepared by students for the upcoming MBA entrance exams to the IIMs and other prestigious B-Schools.
Here’s a look at some of the WAT essay topics that have been a part of the selection process in various IIMs and other MBA colleges in the previous years:
While one can’t predict what topic(s) you will get for your essay but it is wise to stay in touch with all current events and the biggest stories of the year. Some of these were:
If you have a comprehensive understanding of the issues that made headlines in 2017, you will be able to comfortably write on most topics.