JEE-Advanced Enrollments At A Nine-Year Low

Over the years, there has been a steady decline in the number of students who register for the JEE-Mains exam. In 2014, 83.1 percent of students registered, but by 2022 that number had dropped to 61.5 percent.

JEE-Advanced enrollments at a nine-year low

Critics argue that the reason other engineering colleges are chosen based on JEE-Mains scores is that students are not aware of the benefits of an IIT education. Others suggest that students may not be interested in the IITs because they are not well-rounded enough.

The data shows that the number of candidates registering for the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE)-Advanced exam after clearing the JEE-Mains exam has been dropping over the last eight years. This trend indicates that fewer and fewer students are interested in taking the JEE-Advanced exam, which is the second tier of the two-tier structure of the exam.

The percentage of students taking the exam has been declining over the past 9 years, from 83.1% in 2014 to 61.5% in 2022. Out of the 2.6 lakh qualified candidates, only 1.6 lakh have registered to write the exam scheduled for August 28th.

Every year, thousands of students take the final level of the examination to determine their admission into the Indian Institutes of Technology. In 2021, 1.5 lakh out of the 2.6 lakh candidates (58.1 percent) registered to take the exam, which is a higher percentage than the 64.1 percent of students who registered in 2020. This year’s exam will be especially important because it will help to determine which students get admitted into the coveted 23 Indian Institutes of Technology across the country.

This is a significant decrease from 2014 when the registration rate was 83.1 percent. A gradual decline was seen in subsequent years, with rates of 79 percent, 78.6 percent, 77.4 percent, 71.7 percent, and 71.7 percent in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 respectively.

Some experts believe that the reason other engineering colleges are chosen based on the JEE-Mains score is that students are not interested in IITs. They suggest that a student’s JEE-Mains score is not indicative of a lack of interest in the IITs.

“Anonymity is something that a lot of people value, especially when it comes to making decisions that could potentially have a negative consequence. However, when it comes to JEE-Main scores and getting into IIT, being open and honest about where you stand is the best policy. Having a lower score doesn’t mean you won’t get into IIT after Advanced, but it does mean that you have a better chance if you’re open and transparent about your score.”

A senior official from IIT Kanpur stated that many engineering candidates prefer to go to an institute where they can study their desired branch of engineering. This is because the branch of engineering is a very important topic to them.