Madras Sanskrit College got the award by Sundaram Finance company during a four-day Sundaram Finance-Mylapore Festival.
The Madras Sanskrit School, an over 100 years old academic organization in the city was chosen for the ‘Spirit of Mylapore’ grant sponsored by non-banking finance organization Sundaram Finance, the organization said on Sunday. The nineteenth version of the four-day Sundaram Finance-Mylapore Festival was held from January 5 onwards after a gap of three years because of the Coronavirus enforced lock-down.
A few families, citizens of Mylapore participated in different types of events that were organised as a part of the ‘Mylapore Festival’, Sundaram Finance said in a public statement. “After cautious thought and assessment, the council consistently chose The Madras Sanskrit College for the current year’s grant for Soul of Mylapore,” it said.
The Madras Sanskrit College started activity in 1906 and has around 300 understudies as of now. It introduced a online campus to spread and educate Sanskrit through a web-based platform in 2017. The college principal Arunasundaram got the honor at an occasion hung on Sunday. Researchers like Paul Taxon of University of Copenhagen, Oxford University professor of Sanskrit Studies F W Thomas, the Dewan of Mysore Sir Mirza M Ismail have visited the college before.