Education is a pattern that has a base before taking the path to higher studies just like our primary education was a base to the secondary education and secondary education was the base to higher secondary education and so on. Therefore it is important to understand and choose a subject to specialize in, for studying abroad after 12th board exams.
Studying abroad gives a student an experience that can lead to lots of confidence, independent living, better education and more among others. Fields like Science, Arts and commerce have variety of knowledge that can be studied latter in life with under-graduation and post graduation courses, one of which is Bachelors in Commerce, that is taught in almost all commonwealth countries providing the knowledge in finance, economics and management.
Commerce is a stream that is extremely important to study for the sake of understanding economy and management among other elements of the subject. After successfully attempting and understanding Commerce in your higher secondary and proceeding to pass with fairly good or even better grades in your 12th commerce examination, it’s a good time to work on your applications to study abroad after 12th commerce. Studying abroad after 12th commerce can help shape your career in a very positive way, as the benefits are great. Career in commerce is learning about the aspects of economy, finance, management, law and statistics.
The courses after your 12th commerce that can be opted either for studying under-graduation i.e. Bachelors in Commerce and further proceed to major or study your post-graduation abroad, the subjects list below are topics you can learn by choosing for your under-graduation:
By choosing Bachelor’s in commerce is right course of subject to study abroad after 12th commerce. Bachelors in commerce also known as is, a three or four year course with specializations in each year that include subjects like Management or Accounting among many other.
All the universities abroad need an entrance exam score. The exams to study/prepare after 12th boards are either TOEFL or IELTS that is accepted by the universities abroad. Undertaking TOEFL as your entrance exams is a wiser choice as the benefits of TOEFL can help you with the student visa among other benefits. The entrance exam is for the purpose of testing your English language skills for English speaking countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland and South Africa. The degree Bachelor of Commerce UK is not available anymore.
You can study Bachelors in Commerce in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Pakistan and South Africa. The countries are well known for and the eligibility criteria is different for each country:
Canada is a country that has English and French as its first official language. This country might be the one you would like to choose as Canada is an amazing destination to study after 12th commerce because of its student friendly and the education system is well-appreciated. One can feel comforted with the very warm Indian population residing among other people. The government provides student visas with facilities that are beneficiary. The universities in Canada are well known with an atmosphere that most possibly will help you nourish and shape your future. You can proceed to study your majors /masters in the country as it is rightly suitable and chose by many. The eligibility criteria to get into the universities of Canada are as follows:
The Bachelors degree in Commerce in most of the universities is of about 4 years.
The intake for under-graduate program are Fall (October), Winter (January), Spring (April), Summer (July).
Australia is an English speaking country. The country is a popular destination filled with wonderful landscapes, an atmosphere appreciated by many students who chose the country to study abroad after 12th. Australia is known for its high quality education, its cultural diversity and friendly natives. Australia has reputed universities in various locations of the country. Choosing Australia will help you understand the international economy and culture as one will be surrounded and will be learning in a much appreciated education system.
Although, the eligibility criteria accepted in the top and best universities is quite tough to get in as:
New Zealand is talked and known for the experiences lived by the students residing in the country, along with a high quality education one might experience the adventurous side and beautiful places situated in various parts of the country. It also titled as one of ‘Happiest country in the world’. The eligibility criteria for New Zealand are as follows:
By choosing Bachelors in Commerce after 12th commerce, one can choose either one of the subjects as their specialization for under-graduation:
The country situated in the North Atlantic Ocean close to the United Kingdom is known for its adaptable environment and is one of the friendliest countries in the world. The architecture of Ireland is historic and the colleges are till today situated on colleges that were built centuries ago, which fascinates most of them. It is indeed the best place to study as the locations and environment is relaxing and soothing for students to study after 12th boards. Although, the universities in Ireland carry courses that are specialized as B.Com Commerce or B.Com in Business varying in eligibility criteria as well, therefore it is better to enquire with universities via email or website to get more insight about this.
After completing your degree internationally, you can get recruited as one of the following with a relevant experience you can study your post –graduation as well, the recruitments are as follows:
Post the 3-4 years of studies the field of Bachelors in Commerce; one can further proceed with their Post graduation courses after abroad with high scopes and understanding the world of Commerce. The subjects included in Bachelors of Commerce is the insight study of the specializations that you can further choose to major in or else one can decide to work on field.
The post graduation program is focused on accounting and e-commerce, commerce studies.
The Post graduation program is focused on training in managerial activities especially business related along with communication skills.
The post graduation program is focused on all sorts of management activities that are required in firms and other sectors. One can opt to be an HR or choose to be in hotel management.
The post graduation focuses on teaching the aspects and important ways of managing and understanding the financial aspects.
Studying post graduation can positively impact in the title and earning in the profession, as studying abroad after educating one-self with the post graduation degree in a foreign country generates in-depth learning from the universities abroad, resulting with an enhanced degree that provides sufficient amount of knowledge in the field of Commerce, economics, finance and management.
USA, New Zealand and Australia
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