UPSC NDA Result 2022: The Union Public Service Commission announced the final results of UPSC NDA & NA -2 2021 on June 14, 2022.
The Union Public Service Commission revealed the final results of the UPSC NDA & NA(II) 2021 exams on June 14, 2022. Candidates who took the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examinations can check their results on UPSC’s official website, On November 14, 2021, a written examination was held, and 462 candidates were chosen in order of merit.
Candidates for admission to the National Defence Academy (NDAcademy) and Indian Naval Academy (INAC) are being interviewed by the Ministry of Defence. Interviews will be held for Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of the academies for the 148th Course and 110th Naval Academy Course respectively.
To obtain the UPSC NDA & NA 2 Final Results 2021, candidates may go to the UPSC’s official website at