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BIT Ranchi MCA 2012

The MCA programme was designed by the Department of Electronics, Government of India in the early 1980’s as a training programme that would equip graduates to fulfill the increasing demand for software specialists. The Master of Computer Applications (MCA) programme of the Institute is approved by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE). The course duration is 3-year (6-semester). The distinguishing feature of the MCA programme at BIT is that the final semester is devoted to a compulsory 20-week software development project in industry, in order to facilitate hands-on experience and industry training for its students.

BIT Ranchi 2012 Exam Dates

  • Online Entrance Test For MCA 2012 : 19 & 20 May 2012

BIT Ranchi 2012 Important Dates

  • Filling of online form commences from 9 am on: March 1, 2012
  • Filling of online form closes at 7 pm on: April 10, 2012
  • Last date for receipt of printouts of duly completed online forms & Institute copy of Challan slip issued by the Bank: April 16, 2012
  • Counselling schedules to be displayed by: June 1, 2012
  • Tentative dates of counselling: 13 to 14 June 2012
  • Date of Admission: From 15 June 2012 onwards
  • Classes to commence at all Centres from: July 16, 2012

BIT Ranchi 2012 Application Form

Candidates must download and read the Information Brochure fully, before filling the Online Application Form. To apply for the MCA programme 2012, eligible candidates must complete and submit an Online Application Form available at this link:

Candidates may deposit application fee in SBI or ICICI bank branches through printed e-Challan (printable while filling online form) for filling the online form (this application fee is non-refundable).  Please Note that if payment is by cash at ICICI Bank, there is no extra bank service charge but in case of Payment by cash at SBI Bank, then Bank service charge is extra (Rs. 20/-)

BIT Ranchi 2012 Application Procedure

Step 1: 
To apply for the MCA programme 2012, eligible candidates must complete and submit the online application at the following link:

Step 2: Candidate must Download the Bank Challan Form (SBI/ICICI) from BIT Mesra website to deposit the application fee for Rs.2,000/- (Rs.1,200/- for SC/ST) in favour of “Birla Institute of Technology�? in a SBI / ICICI bank and enter the Challan number and other required details of the payment as issued by the bank within the  given time period. Fees is non-refundable after remittance.

Step 3: Candidate Must send a printout of the completed form along with the following enclosures:

  • A print-out of the duly completed online form with a photo pasted on it at the appropriate box.
  • One recent colour photograph, same as pasted on the form must be attached by clip (write your Name, Form No and “MCA-2012�? on the back of the photo).
  • Institute copy of Challan slip issued by the Bank for Rs.2,000/- (General) and Rs.1,200/- (SC/ST) candidates (non-refundable) (write your Name, Form /Application No, and “MCA-2012�? on the back of the bank challan).
  • A set of photocopies of certificates (write your Name, Form No. and “MCA-2012�? on the back of each of the photocopies): Pass certificate of Class 10, Marksheet of Class 10, Marksheet of Class 12 / Intermediate or equivalent, Marksheets of Graduation for graduates or marksheets upto pre-final year for candidates graduating in 2012. They must also enclose the certificate in original from the Principal of their Institute stating that by 30 June 2012, they will have appeared for examination in all subjects required for obtaining their Bachelor’s degree.
  • Candidates with qualifications acquired through correspondence or distance-learning programmes must enclose with their application, photocopies of Pass certificate in addition to marksheets of qualifying examination showing that they have passed the qualifying examination with requisite marks.
  • Caste certificate (if applicable), which should be in proper format and signed by appropriate authority of rank not less than SDO.
  • Candidates belonging to other special categories as in Sec 8(Physically Handicapped / Ward of defence personnel killed or disabled in service / Current student of BIT / Ward of BIT employee) must provide photocopy of certificate in proper format from appropriate authority.
  • Photo identification: (Driving license, Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, College ID, Employee Identification Card are acceptable)

Step 4: Candidates can use the Online Application Form to apply for the MCA programme of the Institute at any 1 or any 2 or any 3 or any 4 or any 5 or all 6 choices of Place for Study (Centre). One has to by click the requisite check box against the names of the Centres. It is advised that choices be selected before submitting the form online and a printout of the same must be kept for future reference.

Instructions for Filling Online Application Form

1.When you go to the Online Application link:,a page containing the Eligibility Criteria & Instructions for filling the application form, appears. At the end of the page you will find a button to ‘Continue’. Click on the button. A new page will open where you will see 2 options:

  • If you are Registering for the First Time OR         
  • If you have already registered before and created a profile using a ‘username’ and a ‘password’, re-enter the same in the box and click on ‘Submit’. If an already registered applicant has forgotten his/her password and wishes to view his profile, then end e-mail to with your name and Date of Birth.

2. The first time users will be required to fill in various details. After filling Name, Date of Birth, and Gender, Click on ‘submit’. Enter any chosen ‘username’ [may be short form of your name] and ‘password’ in the appropriate boxes. Click on ‘submit’. (At this stage, basic details filled by you will be saved for future. You may view your details and proceed further or stop for now and come back later at a different time/ sitting as well by using the same password and username)

3. If you proceed further to complete your form, then you will be required to fill other information such as Father’s Name, Mother’s Name; State of Eligibility; Caste; Choice of Place for Study; Choice of Counselling Centre; Choices of Online Test Centre; Preferences of Dates for Test; Educational Record (Percentage of marks in Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation); College / Institute Details; Address for Communication; Permanent Address; and your E-mail ID.

4. After filling all the aforesaid details, you will see 2 different buttons: ‘Save & Exit’ and ‘Submit’. If you have fully completed: click on ‘Submit’. If you have not completed filling everything click on ‘Save & Exit’. You will be able to enter once again only using your ‘username’ and ‘password’ to complete all the required details.

5. After you submit the form, a new page/ screen will appear. Read the instructions on the screen carefully, select the appropriate bank and then Click on ‘Continue’. Take a print-out of the Challan form of the bank of your Choice ‘SBI or ICICI. An ‘Application number’ will be visible at the Bank Challan Form. Please note this number for future correspondence.

6.After making payment of application fees, you will be required to fill the Bank Branch Name,  Bank Branch Code, and Journal / Challan Number.  These are related to your payment of the application fees. These details are available in the applicant’s copy of the challan issued by the SBI/ ICICI bank branch after paying the fees.

7. After filling the above details, your on-line form filling is complete. Submit online and then take a print out of the form.  Affix a recent passport size photograph of yourself in the given box on the first page of the printout. You and your legal guardian /parent are required to
sign the declarations and undertaking on the last page of the printed form.


Things to Remember

  • Do Not print a blank form and fill it by hand as such a form will be rejected.
  • Incomplete applications or applications received without all required enclosures are liable to be rejected / may not be processed.
  • Applications reaching the institute after the due date are liable to be rejected / may not be processed.
  • Clearly fill all items that are relevant to you in capital letters or numbers or tick the check box / radio button as required. Mandatory fields must be filled or else application may be rejected.
  • After completely filling the form, applicant will be prompted to “Save & Exit�? before  clicking the submit button. Candidates can save the form to a maximum of only two times. Hence, it must be ensured that all fields are correctly filled in before clicking on the “Submit�? button. Take a printout when prompted.

BIT Ranchi 2012 Eligibility Criteria

1) Candidates must have passed with minimum 60% (45% for SC/ST) marks in average of all subjects in Class 10
2) Candidates must have passed with minimum 60% (45% for SC/ST) marks (average of 4 core subjects) in Class 12 / QE (Equivalent Qualifying Examination). Percentage of marks in Class 12 to be computed as average of English, Mathematics (excluding Business Mathematics) and best 2
other core subjects.
3) Candidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification of any of the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislatures in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India / AIU. This degree must entail a minimum of three years of education after completing higher secondary schooling [Class 12 or equivalent] (10+2+3 system).
4) Candidates must have one of following qualifications:

  • Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), or
  • B.Sc. in Computer Science / Information Technology / Electronics, or
  • B.Sc. with Mathematics or Statistics as one of the subjects at graduate level.

5) Candidates of B.Sc. Honours must have minimum 60% (45% for SC/ST) marks in average in their Honours subject. Candidates of BCA and other graduate courses must have minimum 60% (45% for SC/ST) marks in average in graduation, marks to be computed as average of marks obtained in ALL subjects in which candidate has appeared.

6) Candidates appearing for final examinations of their Bachelor’s programme in 2012 can also apply, and if selected can join the programme provisionally. At the time of the counselling they must bring a certificate in original from the Principal of their Institute stating that by 30 June 2012, they will have appeared for examination in all subjects required for obtaining their Bachelor’s degree.

7) Candidates with qualifications acquired through correspondence or distance-learning programmes are eligible only if (a) the programmes are recognized by the DEC-IGNOU, (b) they have passed the qualifying examination at the time of applying, with minimum 60% marks in average (45% for SC/ST) calculated as per item (5) above. They must enclose photocopies of pass certificate and marksheets of qualifying examination with their application.

Please Note:
a. Candidates with foreign diplomas should see the EdCIL website for equivalence (, and if required should obtain an equivalence certificate from the evaluation division of the AIU (website

b. If any Board / University awards grades instead of marks, the calculation of equivalent marks would be based on the procedure prescribed by the Board / University. If a University does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks, the equivalence would be determined by dividing obtained CGPA with the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the resultant with 100.

c. At any level of the studies [class X, class XII or graduation], a candidate / applicant must have passed all the required subjects at that level from the same Board/ University.

BIT Ranchi 2012 Admission Process

The Institute will conduct an Online Entrance Test to shortlist candidates for the three-year full time MCA programme commencing in July 2012. Each Centre will make its own lists of provisionally selected candidates and wait-listed candidates after the counselling.

Each Centre will shortlist candidates for counselling on the basis of their performance in the MCA 2012 Online Entrance Test, provided they have applied for that Centre, and fulfill the eligibility criteria.

Counselling schedules for each Centre, based on these scores, will tentatively be displayed by June 1, 2012 on the Institute website and Notice Boards at Mesra and concerned Extension Centres only. The counselling process will be held tentatively between 13 to 14 June 2012 at Allahabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mesra and Noida. Candidates may appear for counselling at Allahabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mesra or Noida as per their choice indicated in their application form.

Provisional selection lists, along with procedures for admissions, will be notified the day after the counselling, on the Institute website ( and Notice Boards of the Institute / concerned Extension Centres only. Provisionally selected candidates will be required to take admission by the dates given at any of the Centre by depositing fee and original certificates, failing which vacant seats may be allotted to waitlisted candidates. The list of waitlisted candidates will also be announced on the Institute website and Notice Boards of the Institute / concerned Extension Centres only.

Candidates will not be given separate intimations related to the Counselling Schedules and  selections lists as the same will be notified through the Institute website, Institute Notice Boards or concerned Extension Centres.

BIT Ranchi 2012 Test Syllabus

The MCA 2012 Online Entrance Test  will have 120 objective type, multiple-choice questions to be answered in 2 hours. A candidate must select only the correct answer to score full marks. For each correct answer 4 marks will be awarded. There is Negative marking for each wrong answer. For every incorrect answer one mark will be deducted.

Questions will be asked from the following broad categories

  • Mathematics – 60 Questions
    (Part A: Algebra, Set Theory, Matrix Algebra, Co-ordinate Geometry, Calculus, Differential Equations, Vectors, Trigonometry, Probability and Statistics, and Linear Programming)
  • Analytical ability & Logical Reasoning – 20 Questions
    (Questions in this section will test logical reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and visio-spatial reasoning )

  • Computer Awareness – 20 Questions
    (Computer Basics, Data Representation, Computer Architecture, Computer Language, Flow chart and Algorithms, and Operating Systems)
  • English – 20 Questions
    (Use of articles and prepositions, Idioms and phrases, Synonyms, Reading comprehension, Expansion of an idea, Sentence sequence (jumbled sentences), Completion of a sentence (with choices), Choice of appropriate word to fill in the blanks)

BIT Ranchi MCA Test Centres

  • Mesra
    Jharkhand- 30 seats
    All India- 30 seats
  • Allahabad
    Uttar Pradesh- 30 seats
    All India- 30 seats

  • Jaipur
    Rajasthan- 23 seats
    All India- 22 seats
  • Kolkata
    West Bengal- 28 seats
    All India- 27 seats
  • Lalpur
    Jharkhand- 53 seats
    All India- 52 seats
  • Noida
    Uttar Pradesh- 30 seats
    All India- 30 seats

BIT Ranchi Contact Details

Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Ranchi, Jharkhand 835215
PABX: +91 651 2275444/2275896
Fax: 0651 2275401

Click Here for Contact Details of BIT Extension Centres

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