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CISCE ICSE Computer Applications Preparation Tips


The importance of Computer Application as a subject can not be stated enough. For a budding engineer, Computer Programming is the single most essential tool. Even operating systems like windows XP have been designed using C language (a primitive version of C ) using the concepts of data structures and programming algorithms. Computer Applications as a subject lays the foundation stone for a student who wants to learn more computer languages.

Important topics:

  • Classes
  • Constructors
  • Functions
  • Iterations
  • Arrays

Tips for Preparation:

  •  The only real way to learn a programming language is by writing codes. Use the concepts that you learn in school to make programmes in a computer language like C, C or Java.
  • Begin by coding simple programmes provided by any good textbook, run these, and debug them, if they don’t work.
  • With the Open Source movement, you have a wealth of projects. Make use of these projects and try and understand these projects. You will also gain familiarity with some tools like version control and IDEs
  • Go through the papers. Also, have a look at the answers and the marking scheme provided by the CISCE. Take as many practice tests as possible.

How to score well:

  • Before you start the exam, utilize the first 5 minutes to scan the paper. Read the question paper thoroughly before jumping to write the answers.
  • Frame skeletons of the answers you are going to write for these questions.
  • Try and substantiate your answers with a small programme, for better understanding.

Recommended books:

To know which books to follow, click here

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