Many people are afraid of reporting child abuse. They think, “I don’t want the person I reported to know,” or, “I’m afraid it will come back to haunt me,” or, “it’s not my business.”
Ironically, if you asked people if they should help in case of a nearby car accident, most will say yes. But in a case of suspected child abuse, that thinking may be different. Why? Because of prevalent attitudes that someone else’s children are either “their responsibility” or “their property.”
Without sensible adults, some children might never receive help. Be an advocate for children by knowing the signs of abuse and reporting child abuse. Remember, you are reporting suspicion of child abuse. Even if you aren’t sure, it’s better to let authorities check it out. You might save a child’s life!
You should know about these signs…
When you have concerns for a child’s well-being, the indicators listed below may help guide you in your thought process. Many of these “symptoms” or “signs” could be caused by things other than abuse or neglect. Generally, these indicators do indicate that a child’s safety may be at risk and, at the very least, the situation should be assessed by a professional who is able to determine the causes of these symptoms and offer the help and assistance necessary to reduce the risk to a child.