DRDO CEPTAM 10 Admit Card 2022: Click Here To Check Hall Ticket And Exam Date

The candidates who applied for the latest DRDO Recruitment are eagerly waiting for the release of the CEPTAM Exam Admit Card. The authorities will conduct the Tier I exam to shortlist the candidates for the next stage of the recruitment process. The applicants aiming to appear for the test will have to download their respective hall tickets. Those who will fail to do so will not be allowed to appear for the examination.

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Thus, they must download and print the hall ticket before the day of the examination. Read the following article for all the details about the DRDO CEPTAM 10 Admit Card 2022 such as the download process, link, release date, exam details, and much more.

DRDO CEPTAM 10 Admit Card 2022

The authorities at Defence Research and Development Organization DRDO invited online applications for the recruitment of posts Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B) and Technician-A (Tech-A). The candidates who have successfully submitted the applications before 25 November 2022 will soon be able to download the admit cards for the Tier I of the Centre for Personnel Talent Management examination. The authorities will conduct the test to a screening of the candidates for the Tier II CBT for Provisional Selection.

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Download DRDO CEPTAM 10 Hall Ticket

The authorities at Defence Research and Development Organization DRDO will release the examination admit card for the CEPTAM 10 Tier I examination online on the portal. The applicants can download by following the subsequent process:

  1. Open the official portal of the Defence Research and Development Organization DRDO at www.drdo.gov.in.
  2. On the Home page, check the topmost menu.
  3. Click on the option of Careers to open the respective web page.
  4. Tap on the Other Recruitment tab.
  5. Under the Advertisement section, tap on the link to open up information about the CEPTAM-10/DRTC.
  6. Check the section of DRDO Entry Test: CEPTAM-10/DRTC.
  7. In the Status of Advt., check if the Admit Card has been issued or not.
  8. In the subsequent links, tap on the option to Download Admit Card for Tier I examination for the Recruitment of Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B) and Technician-A (Tech-A) as per theCEPTAM-10/DRTC Advertisement 2022.
  9. The Admit Card Download Form will open up on the screen.
  10. Enter the details of the applicant in the form.
  11. Nextly, tap on the option to Download.
  12. The candidates must Print the admit card for convenience since they need to present the document in printed format only.
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