The university provides Under Graduate and Post Graduate Degree in Arts, Commerce, Literature, Business Administration and Science. They also offer Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological counseling, Mathematics, Computer Applications etc and Diploma in Media Art, Management, Food Production etc.
The Application Forms together with the Prospectus are issued separately for the above two admission cycles. The applicants shall use the application for admission prescribed for the respective admission cycle only.
The Application Form with Prospectus can be obtained as follows:
From the University Sales Counter on payment of Rs.100/- in cash per Application
From the Study Centres on payment of Rs.100/- per Application
From the Zonal Centres on payment of Rs.100/- per Application
From the Deputy Registrar, MPDD, TNOU, 577, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai– 600 015 by post on payment of Rs.150/- by demand draft issued by any nationalized or scheduled bank drawn in favour of the Tamil Nadu Open University payable at Chennai. The Application Form along with the Prospectus will be sent by ordinary post only.
The Application Form once sold shall not be taken back and the cost of Application Form will not be refunded or adjusted towards any purpose.
No 577, Anna Salai
Saidapet, Chennai – 600 015.
Phone: 044-24306600