The state of Georgia (GA) in the USA is known as the Peach State and the Empire State of the South. Atlanta is the capital city and the state has more than 100 public and private colleges, universities & institutes of higher education. As a student, if you plan to study there, here is some information about listing colleges in Georgia that might be useful for you.
Georgia is ranked #14 among all American states in terms of the number of foreign students studying in its universities & colleges. As of 2015, there were 19,758 international students studying in Georgia out of which 13.7 % were Indian students.
Georgia is home to 29 public universities, 22 technical colleges, 4-5 private universities and 20 – 25 private colleges/ universities.
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Georgia Tech is the best research university in the state and is considered to be a “Public Ivy” – a term used for the best public universities in the US.
2. Emory University, Druid Hills Image courtesy:
A private university, Emory is among the oldest in Georgia and the US and is especially known for its health care curriculum.
The University System of Georgia (USG) consists of 29 public universities that are funded by the state:
The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) comprises of 22 technical colleges:
The Georgia Military College (GMC) does not fall under the USG or TCSG but is still a state funded institute. It is a military junior college and if you graduate from its 2 year military science curriculum, you get commissioned into the US army.