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Career in Rural Management

India is a country of villages and farmers. Most of its population lives in villages and rural areas. As the rural population is economically backward, it is the duty of educated masses especially the qualified professionals in rural management to assist the villagers in their process of development so that the whole nation could achieve progress and prosperity.

So, for all those are deeply concerned about the nation’s development, a career in rural management can help them fulfill their desire.

Rural development has always been the prime focus of our government since independence. All five years plans were focused towards the special benefit of the rural community. Some of the objectives have been achieved and others have failed but the effort for further development has not ceased.

One of the most notable examples is the Operation Flood. An operation started by the Dairy Development Board, the concept was high production of milk and dairy products.

Industrial Management Careers

The scheme was very successful in Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and the production of milk and milk-based products jumped exponentially. Further the products were exported yielding high return of foreign exchange.

Yet another breakthrough was the Green Revolution, which coincided with unprecedented crop and vegetable production in the country. Again the northern states took the lead and produced maximum yield and earning for the country. The import of food grains was reduced one-fourth thus saving a lot of money for the country.

Today, as India is marching forward to become a developed and prosperous nation in the world, the role of rural managers has become vital to bring about substantial changes in the livelihood of crores of rural poor.

A rural management professional can work independently or under any NGO to carry out the work assigned to him/her. For generation of necessary skills, he/she has to undertake a diploma or degree course in rural management offered by several management institutes in the country.
Rural Management Eligibility Criteria
For a course in rural management, irrespective of the institution, the entrance test is the first step towards screening. The next stage is the interview. Though the entrance test is open to all graduate, but it is better proposition for the humanities students to go for rural development course. To embark on this course, you would do well to have acquired a basic graduate degree.

Rural Management Skills & Attributes

A career in rural management is all about uplift-ment of rural working and lifestyle through systematic development plans, hence an aspirant for this field should possesses a heart for the issue concerning the rural community, besides possessing an outgoing, friendly personality, ability to handle masses, ability to handle pressure & leadership skills.

Rural Management Job Prospects

After passing out from the institute, a student is placed appropriately with the Government of India’s rural development projects or with some voluntary agencies or any international level Non-Government Organization (NGO).

Non-Government agencies like Action Aid and Organization of Rural Development advices worldwide government for their rural development. Their function is backed by high-end research facilities and case study module back up for international sources.

The countries like America and the United Kingdom provide many of the non-governmental organization funds. Their funding is further supplemented by some development work in the particular region.

There are many institutions and projects funded by the cooperate houses for the purpose of rural development. This gives the company some kind or brand equity and extra mileage.

The other avenues open for rural management professional are the research institutes. There are also equal opportunities in agencies like United Nations and its subsidiary social research agencies.

Rural Management Pay Package

Though, initially pay package in this field of work is not as lucrative as other management professions, but there is tremendous satisfaction with this field.

One can expect a starting salary somewhere around Rs 8,000-15,000 per month. As someone gains more experience, he/she can consider a shift to a metro or city for planning and development work as a planner or consultant which would surely bring a better salary package.

It is interesting to note that more and more IIM graduates are now putting their attention for creating awareness among rural masses by introducing new projects through their innovative ideas and knowledge.

Rural Management Institutes/Universities

The famous places for training in this field are

  • Institute of Rural Management

Contact Information
Post Box No: 60, Anand – 388 001,
Gujarat, India
Phone : 0091- 2692 – 260391 / 263260 / 261502
Fax : 0091 – 2692 – 260188
Website :

  • National Institute of Management Technology

Contact Information
Near Hindon river bridge
Opp. Indira Priyadarshini park
P.O.-Mohan Nagar
Ghaziabad (UP) – 201001
Phone : (0120)2940609
E-mail :

  • Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya,

Contact Information
Shantikunj-GayatriKunj, Hardwar-249411.
Phone : 01334-261367, 262094 (Ext – 405)
Fax : 01334-260723, 260866
Website :

  • Rural Non-Farm Development Agency

Contact Information
D-94, Pavan Path
Hanuman Nagar
Jaipur – 302021, Rajasthan,
Phone : 91/141-352038
Fax : 91/141-383906
Website :

  • Rural Research Foundation

Contact Information
Vatika Road, Off Tonk Road,
Phone & Fax : 0141-2771100, 2771101
E-mail :
Website :

  • Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

Contact Information
Diamond Harbour Road
Joka, Kolkata (Calcutta) – 700104
West Bengal
EPABX: 91-33-2467-8300/8301/8302/8303/8304/8305/8306/
Fax : 91-33-2467-8307
Website :

  • Indian Institute of Rural Management

Contact Information
Address: Sector 11,
Tagore Marg,
Phone : 91- 0141 2395402
Email :
Website :

  • National Institute of Rural Development Hyderabad

(Ministry of Rural Development)
Contact Information
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
Address: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Ettimadai(PO), Coimbatore,
Phone : 91(422)2656422
Fax : 91(422)2656274

  • Xavier Institute of Social Service

Contact Information
Xavier Institute of Social Service
Post Box No. 7, Purulia Road
Ranchi, Jharkhand – 834 001, INDIA
Phone : 0651-2200873,
Fax : 0651-2315381
E-mail :
Website :

Management Institutes in Major Cities

Management Institutes in Various States

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