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CBSE Affiliation Process


The main function of the CBSE is to granting affiliation to school. Any school which has granted CBSE affiliation has to run according to CBSE guidelines. These schools also have to follow 10 + 2 system of curriculum of study as suggested by CBSE. There are currently nearly 222511 schools currently affiliated with the CBSE in India and abroad. About 200 new schools acquire CBSE affiliation in each year.

Note : 
The schools who want a CBSE affiliation can register themselves online at –

Related: CBSE Class 10th resultsCBSE Class 12th results

CBSE Schools Affiliation Process / Rules/ Norms:

AIMS Test for Management Admissions(ATMA) exam dates for the year 2022:

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  1. This is an electronic Application Form. Please read the following instructions and procedures carefully before you start filling the form.
  2. Following types of Schools are eligible for affiliation with Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE):-
    1. Government or Government aided schools
    2. Schools run by autonomous organisations under the Government like Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS), Central Tibetan Schools Organization (CTSO), Sainik Schools Society etc.
    3. Schools run by Government Department directly like Defence, Railways etc.
    4. Schools managed directly by Public Sector Undertakings or by reputed societies of Public Sector Undertakings under the financial control of such Public Sector Undertakings or by Societies formed by such Undertakings
    5. Private, unaided schools.
  1. Please read the Affiliation Bye Laws carefully before applying. Online application may be submitted for the following :-


 .        Approval of Middle Class Syllabus/Affiliation or Switch Over upto Secondary level/ Upgradation or Switch Over to Senior Secondary level


    1. Additional Subjects, applicable in case of already CBSE affiliated Senior Secondary schools.
    2. Extension of Provisional Affiliation in case of already CBSE affiliated school upto Secondary / Senior Secondary level.




c.                   There will be no Composite Affiliation upto Class XII except in ‘switch over cases’ mentioned at Point No. 2 above. For non switch over cases, a school has to first affiliate itself with CBSE upto Secondary stage and run class IX for a minimum period of one year before applying for Upgradation to Senior Secondary level.


    1. Affiliation fee is to be deposited separately by Demand Draft drawn in favour of Secretary, Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi.
  1. It may be ensured that the school is fulfilling the following essential conditions, otherwise the application is likely to be summarily rejected:-
    1. A ‘ No Objection Certificate’ / Recognition Letter from the State Government
      Letter forwarding the request of the school from the State Government
      Recommendation from concerned Embassy of India in case of schools located outside India.

      Note:- NOC/Recognition is not required in cases of schools run by Government  Departments/Government Undertakings/managed by Societies for Govt. Undertakings and financed and controlled by the Undertakings.
    2. Ownership or lease of requisite land in the name of the school or Society/Trust running the school. (If the land has been taken on lease, acceptable lease period is 30 years).
    3. Availability of well qualified staff as per qualifications detailed in Chapter IX of the Affiliation Bye laws. The number of PRTs, TGTs, & PGTs should be sufficient to teach respective sections.
    4. Non-proprietary character of the Trust or Society running the school (to be shown by way of an affidavit).
    5. Payment of salaries to staff not less than the corresponding categories of employees in the State/Central Government. 
    6. In case of Private unaided schools, the schools must be established by Societies registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 of the Government of India or under Acts of the State Governments as educational, charitable or religious societies having non-proprietary character or by Trusts.
  1. Last date for submission of application is 30th June of the year preceding the year in which class VII, IX, XI is proposed to be started. These classes should not be started without prior affiliation with the Board.
  2. The CBSE will not be responsible for any consequences if these classes are started without proper affiliation etc. by the CBSE.
  3. In case of any dispute(s) regarding the withdrawal or not granting affiliation or any other matter pertaining to upgradation and or any matter arising in respect of anything pertaining to affiliation with any school and or any other person, Society, company or organization, the courts and tribunals at the Delhi shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to entertain such disputes.
  4. Schools are required to attach the following documents for applying to APPROVAL OF MIDDLE CLASS SYLLABUS / PROVISIONAL AFFILIATION OR SWITCH OVER UPTO SECONDARY LEVEL / UPGRADATION OR SWITCH OVER TO SENIOR SECONDARY LEVEL as scanned copies. (jpg, gif  and  pdf files only & not more than 1MB in size.)
    1. NOC/Recognition Letter  from State/UT or Recommendation from Embassy of India (if applicable)
    2. Copy of Registration letter of the Trust/Society Management Committee
    3. Land Certificate from concerned authority (As per enclosed proforma).
    4. Affidavit of Non-Proprietary Character of Society
  1. Schools are required to attach the following documents for applying to EXTENSION OF PROVISIONAL AFFILIATION as scanned copies. (jpg, gif  and  pdf files only & not more than 1MB in size.)
    1. A Scanned copy of Reserve Fund maintained as per norms.
    2. A Scanned copy of EPF code No. allotted by the EPF department.
    3. A Scanned copy of Affidavit to the effect that the school is not sponsoring candidates for Board’s Examination of any other School/Branch,which is not affiliated to the Board.


Proceed to fill the application form.

s given are tentative and subject to change.

CBSE Affiliation Status:

Click here to get the status of your application.

Note: In the actual test, the same sequence might not be followed.

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