CAT Preparation Tips: The Common Admission Test (CAT), which is a computer based test, is conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIM.) CAT analyzes the quantitative ability, verbal ability, data interpretation skills and logical reasoning of the students. After 2011, the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) also started using the CAT scores, instead of JMET scores for admission to their post graduate management courses. In order to get admitted to the management programs in any one of the IIMs or the IITs it is essential to qualify the CAT with high scores. The scores of the students in CAT have been as high as 99.83% and it is essential to crack CAT to be a part of the IIMs or any of the top MBA colleges of India.
Before preparing for CAT it is vital to understand the exam pattern for year 2022. There will be two different sections, one involving quantitative ability & data interpretation and the second section involves verbal ability & logical reasoning.The test duration in 170 minutes. There will be 50 questions in both sections. Students can switch between sections at any point of time during the exam. The tutorial which was previously available at the start of test will not be available now, and students have to do the tutorials well in advance.
(Must read: Understanding the changes in CAT 2022)
There are 5 important dimensions for success in CAT and the CAT preparation 2022 must include the following steps.
Knowing the dimensions of CAT preparation 2022, what follows next is the CAT preparation strategy. A well planned strategy will bring about sure success in CAT. Here is one such strategy for cracking CAT.There are 7 basic steps that form the strategy
here are 3 phases of preparation for CAT. It is essential to allot enough time for each phase.
Phase I: This phase involves building the fundamental concepts and preparing the basics. 50% of the preparation time must be allotted to this phase.
Phase II: This phase involves building intensity. Approximately 25% of the preparation time must be allotted to fine tune the concepts and to practice more questions.
Phase III: This phase involves mock tests. It is essential to take up more and more mock tests and approximately 25% of the preparation time must be spent in taking up mock tests.
Having all these tips and strategy in mind and putting in the best effort will lead to success in CAT. It is essential to start preparing well in advance. At least 3 months of preparation is essential for CAT.
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