New CBSE Grading System for Class 10th and 12th: Grade Marks List & Calculation

CBSE Grading System in India 2023: The Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) has implemented a new grading system for Class 10th and 12th students. It’s a five- cum- nine- point- scale grading system that replaces the former score- grounded assessment, which needed students to achieve passing scores in topics in order to be promoted to the coming class. Instead of displaying a student’s pass or fail status, the CBSE grading system for classes 10th and 12th would assign grades to them. The implementation of this CBSE Board grading system will really relieve strain on students, who were preliminarily assessed by a single term examination at the end of a time, but now will be examined by a number of examinations covering small areas.

The new CBSE Board grading system for class 10th and 12th consists of a scale representing grades from A to E, each with its own upper and lower limit( A1, A2, B1, B2, and so on), resulting in a nine- point grading system. This new grading system was enforced to replace the marking system, which displayed the numeric scores on the report card. The article below describes in detail the nine- point grading system used to assess students academic performance.

CBSE Grading System 2023-2024

CBSE Grading System 2023 For Class 10 & Class 12: Grade Distribution

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has updated its grading system for students studying in classes 10th and 12th. The new CBSE grading system has replaced the previous score based system with a five-cum-nine point scale grading system. Which means instead of being given a pass or fail grade students will now receive a grade between A to E. The grades will be based on the students performance in a number of tests throughout the year rather than a single end of year exam. 

With this new CBSE grading system, students will feel less pressure and their academic progress will be better measured. The nine-point grading system is also designed to be more simpler and more understandable than the previous system.

Below table shows the grade distribution for CBSE grading system in 2023:

Grade Range of Marks Grade Point Proportion of Students
Top 1/8th of the passed candidates
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
Failed Candidates

CBSE Grading System 2023 For Class 10th

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has started a new grading system for students in class 10th from the academic year 2023-2024. The new grading system in CBSE class 10th is a five-point scale, with grades ranging from A to E. This grading system was introduced to prevent the schools from writing numerical scores on the report card of each student. 

The CBSE grading system class 10 2023 is based on two parameters:

  • Percentile: This parameter is based on the student’s performance compared to the other students who appeared for the class 10th board exams.
  • Absolute: This parameter is based on the student’s performance in the class 10th board exams. The minimum pass mark for each subject is 33%.

Here’s the table showing letter marks in CBSE class 10 and their corresponding marks in the CBSE grading system:

Marks Range Grade Grade Point

In addition to the grades, students will also be awarded a CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average). The CGPA is calculated by averaging the grade points of all the subjects that the student has taken. The CGPA is a more holistic measure of a student’s performance than the grades alone.

CGPA = Sum of Grade points obtained in 5 main subjects/5

The new grading system is a welcome change from the previous marks grading system. It is more transparent and allows for a more accurate assessment of a student’s performance. The new grading system will also help to reduce stress among students and parents.

CBSE Grading System 2023 For Class 12th

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) uses a five-cum-nine-point grading system for Class 12 students. This means that there are five grades (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D, and E) and nine grade points (9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1). The grades are given based on a student’s performance in the final examination, as well as their internal assessment.

The following table shows CBSE grading system class 12th with marks range:

Marks Range Grade Grade Point

CBSE Grade Table | CBSE CGPA to Percentage

Students can also calculate the subject-wise indicative percentage of marks. They just have to multiply the Grade points of a subject by 9.5. Here’s the table showing CBSE grades according to marks which will help students in calculating their CGPA.

Grade Grade Points (GP) Marks Range How to Calculate CBSE Percentage
85.5% 9 CGPA in Percentage
8 to 8.9 (ex: 8.8 CGPA in Percentage)
Eligible for Improvement Exam
Eligible for Improvement Exam

How to calculate the percentage of Class 10 and class 12th | CGPA Calculator CBSE

CGPA is commonly known as the Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is the statement of subject-wise performance in the certificate of a continuous and comprehensive evaluation that is a class 10 and class 12 certificate. CGPA is an average grade point of a student.

How percentage is calculated in CBSE Class 10 & Class 12?

Add the grade points for the five main subjects. For example, your grade points for the five main subjects are as mentioned below:

Subject Grade Points (GP)
Subject 1
Subject 2
Subject 3
Subject 4
Subject 5
  • Step 1: Add the grade points i.e 7+6+7+8+7 = 35
  • Step 2: Divide the sum by 5 i.e 35/5 = 7
  • Thus, your CGPA is 8.0

CBSE Board Exams 2023-2024: General Guidelines

  • The exams will be conducted in two terms, Term 1 and Term 2.
  • The Term 1 exams will be held in November-December 2023, and the Term 2 exams will be held in March-April 2024.
  • The theory paper will be of 80 marks, while the internal assessment or project/practical will be of 20 marks.
  • It is necessary to obtain 30 percent marks in both the board examination and internal assessment separately.
  • The final result will be based on the average of the marks obtained in Term 1 and Term 2.
  • The exams will be conducted in a pen-and-paper format.
  • The question paper will be in English and Hindi.
  • The exams will be objective-type and subjective-type.
  • The exams will be conducted under strict supervision.

The following are some additional guidelines for the board examinations:

  • Students must bring their admit card and a valid ID proof to the examination hall.
  • Students must not bring any electronic devices, such as mobile phones, calculators, or smartwatches, into the examination hall.
  • Students must not write anything on the question paper or on the answer sheet other than the required information.
  • Students must not talk to each other or disturb other students during the examination.
  • Students must not leave the examination hall before the completion of the examination.
  • The CBSE grading system is a five-cum-nine-point grading system. This means that there are five grades (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D, and E) and nine grade points (9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1).
  • The grades are awarded based on a student’s performance in the final examination, as well as their internal assessment.
  • The best of five rule is also applicable to the CBSE grading system. This means that the marks of the five subjects with the highest scores will be considered for calculating the final grade. The marks of the remaining subjects will not be considered.
  • The CBSE objectives is designed to provide a more holistic assessment of a student’s performance. It also allows for greater flexibility in terms of how students can demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

CBSE Grading System: Key Points

Here are some key points about the CBSE grading system:

  • The grade A1 is the highest grade, and the grade E is the lowest grade.
  • The grade points are used to calculate the cumulative grade point average (CGPA). The CGPA is a number that represents a student’s overall academic performance.
  • The CBSE grading system is used for all CBSE-affiliated schools in India.
  • The CBSE grading system is reviewed periodically to ensure that it is still relevant and effective.

Advantages and Disadvantages of CGPA System

Advantages of the CGPA System:

  • Holistic assessment: The CGPA system provides a more holistic assessment of a student’s performance by taking into account their performance in all subjects, not just the ones they are strongest in. This can help to identify areas where a student may need additional support.
  • Flexibility: The CGPA system allows for greater flexibility in terms of how students can demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Students can earn grade points through participation in extracurricular activities, projects, and presentations, in addition to final examinations. This can help to reward students who are well-rounded and have a variety of interests.
  • Transparency: The CGPA system is based on a set of clearly defined criteria, which makes it easier for students to understand how their grades are calculated and to track their progress over time.

Disadvantages of the CGPA System:

  • Complexity: The CGPA system can be complex, and it may be difficult for some students to understand how their grades are calculated.
  • Grade inflation: If the CGPA system is not carefully managed, it can lead to grade inflation, which is when grades become inflated and students are awarded higher grades than they deserve.
  • Lack of motivation: Some students may find the CGPA system less motivating than the traditional grading system because it does not provide as clear a measure of a student’s progress as the traditional grading system.


Scale 10 grading system means the highest grade is 10, which represents outstanding performance. The lowest grade is 1, which represents failing performance. The other grades in the scale 10 grading system are as follows:

  • 9: Excellent
  • 8: Very good
  • 7: Good
  • 6: Satisfactory
  • 5: Pass
  • 4: Pass with difficulty
  • 3: Fail
  • 2: Very poor
  • 1: Fail

In difficulty level, the ICSE Board has a comprehensive and detailed syllabus and is often considered difficult whereas, the CBSE Board syllabus is considered easy and precise. The high difficulty level helps the ICSE students to face challenges and enhances their problem-solving abilities.

Letter GradeMarksGrade Point
O (Outstanding)80 and above10
A75 to 79.999
B70 to 74.998
C60 to 69.997
D50 to 59.996
E45 to 49.995
P40 to 44.994
F (Fail)39.99 and below0

According to CBSE,  E1 grade means that your score obtained is in the range of 21-35. E grade or a score less than 34 denotes fail in that particular subject.

The term “class obtained” refers to the grade that a student receives in a particular class, according to the CBSE grading system. The CBSE grading system uses a five-point scale, with A1 being the highest grade and E being the lowest grade.

The pass marks in each subject of external examination shall be 33%. In case of a subject involving practical work a candidate must obtain 33% marks in theory and 33% marks in practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate in order to qualify in that subject.

The D1 grade percentage in CBSE grading system is equal to 40-49 marks. This means that students who score between 40-49 marks in a particular subject will be given D1 grade.

In CBSE Class 10, first class is equal to a grade of 91-100. This means that a student who scores between 91 and 100 in the final examination will be given the grade of first class.

In the CBSE Class 10 grading system, a distinction is obtained by students who score 75% or more in the final examination. This means that a student must score 75% or more in order to obtain distinction marks.

The first division marks in CBSE Class 12 are 60% or above. This means that a student must score 60% or more in the final examination in order to obtain first division.

The CBSE grading system for Class 12 uses a five-point scale, with A1 being the highest grade and E being the lowest grade. The grades are obtained based on a student’s performance in the final examination, as well as their internal assessment.

The best of five rule is also applicable to the CBSE grading system for Class 12. This means that the marks of the five subjects with the highest scores will be considered for calculating the final grade. The marks of the remaining subjects will not be considered.

  • CBSE Class 10: The total marks of CBSE Class 10th are 800. These marks are divided into 5 subjects, with each subject carrying 160 marks. The best of 5 subjects will be considered for the final grade.
  • CBSE Class 12: The total marks of CBSE Class 12th are 500. These marks are divided into 7 subjects, with each subject carrying 70 or 75 marks. The best of 5 subjects will be considered for the final grade.

The CBSE result 2023 was announced on 12 May 2023, and students who have scored at least 33 or above will be considered as passed in a subject. If you fail to score more than 33 in one or two subjects, the CBSE will pass you with grace marks.

Here are the steps on how to calculate CBSE 10th marks and percentage:

  1. Add up the marks for the five subjects with the highest scores.
  2. Divide the sum by 5.
  3. Multiply the result by 100.

The result is the student’s percentage in CBSE 10th.

For example, if a student scores 95 in Hindi, 85 in English, 75 in Mathematics, 65 in Science, and 55 in Social Studies, their total marks will be 370. Their percentage will be 370 / 5 * 100 = 74%.

The exam pattern in CBSE is the same from class 1 to 5 where the grades are measured on a 5-point scale. The grades will be based on a student’s performance in all the 6 exams (4 FAs and 2 SAa) and is indicative of the following range and remarks.

The different 10th grade marks system are:

  • A: Excellent (91-100 marks)
  • B: Very Good (81-90 marks)
  • C: Good (71-80 marks)
  • D: Satisfactory (61-70 marks)
  • E: Pass (50-60 marks)

Articles Updates:

05/08/2023: Content update, Interlinking 

05/08/2023: Added FAQS and infographic

20/08/2023: General Update