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ICSE Chemistry - Preparation Tips


Chemistry is the field of science concerned with the structure, properties and composition of particle/matter, as well as the changes that a particle/matter undergoes during chemical reactions.

ICSE Chemistry: Important Topics

  • Periodic Properties and variations of Properties œ Physical and Chemical
  • Chemical Bonding
  • Study of Acids, Bases and Salts
  • Analytical Chemistry œ Use of Ammonium Hydroxide and Sodium Hydroxide
  • Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
  • Study of Acids, Bases and Salts

Preparation Tips

If you feel you are not good at Chemistry, start early. Start reading your text book as soon as possible.
Do not try to rush and finish the chapters. Know that reading a book that deals with scientific concepts, theory and reactions is different from a novel or a comic.
Follow up your text book concepts with a reference book to gain a deeper understanding of the topic.
Start attending classes and laboratory lectures. Perform each and every laboratory experiment.
Try and grasp the concepts and always ask questions. Make a list of unanswered questions and ask discuss them with a teacher or a peer.
Do not ignore numerical problems. Most of the times, the problems are direct application of the formulae in use, and, at times are mixed with your understanding of a topic. The numerical problems, if mastered are a good way to score marks.
After you finish your syllabus, revise as many times as possible.

Tips for scoring good marks

During the exam, try to write your descriptive answers in points and give pictorial or graphical illustrations wherever possible. It enhances visibility
Scan the paper before answering
For long answer type questions, before starting, frame a skeleton of the answer in the margin.
Do remember the S.I units of all entities.
Be crisp and to the point in very short questions.

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