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CISCE ICSE Physics - Preparation Tips


Physics is the scientific study of energy and matter and their interaction with each other. The energy can take the form of motion, light, electricity, radiation or even gravity. Physics deals with matter on scales ranging from sub-atomic particles like photons and bosons, to stars entire galaxies.

Some of the topics taught in ICSE Physics are:

  • Force, Work, Energy and Power
  • Light
  • Sound
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Modern Physics
  • Heat

Tips for preparation

  • Go through the book extensively and ask your teacher or a friend for help, in case you have any doubt in any topic.
  • Make a complete list of derivations, formulae and experiments in your syllabus and keep that list handy.
  • While solving a derivation, try and comprehend the logic behind the derivations
  • Revise the concepts regularly.
  • If you do not like the numerical part, start early! Get used to the numerical part. Solve each and every numerical in your book (both, solved and unsolved) and, also refer a supplementary book. A Physics paper without a numerical is like a comb without teeth.
  • Do not forget to mention the S.I units (if any) of all physical entities.

Tips for scoring good marks

  • During the exam, try to write your descriptive answers in points and give pictorial or graphical illustrations wherever possible. It enhances visibility
  • Scan the paper before answering
  • For long answer type questions, before starting, frame a skeleton of the answer in the margin.
  • Be crisp and to the point in very short questions.

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