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How to Become a Content Writer

Are you also willing to become a writer? Well, It’s not very difficult to start it. All you need is to have a passion to express your ideas in words. Completing a graduate degree will help you to shape up your writing style and easy to become a professional writer.

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Who is a Content writer?

Content writing is one of the professions in which writers can write content on websites and other types of media. Writers can work on a different team that includes marketing professionals, executive officers, and project managers. 

What are the types of content writers?

Web Content Writer: 

Web content writers work as full-time or freelancers. The roles and responsibilities of content writers include:

  • Writing content part about the company that includes: blogs, articles, products, email, and other content requirements.
  • Focus on writing SEO content.
  • Meanwhile, do the keyword research and keyword rank on search engines.

Freelancer content writer:

Freelancer content writers are the writers hired to work on a specific project, the company employer allowed you to complete the task within a certain deadline. Freelancer’s job varies from social media content to content development including engaging blogs, writing content fr quora, customer case studies, website content, etc.


Creative Content Writer And Editor: Creative content writers and editors write blogs, current news, or trendy topics including reviewing the content. A creative content writer can also write-ups on resumes, scholarship letters, motivation letters, etc.


Content Writers For Marketing: Content writers for marketing may have to write and coordinate content for newsletters, email templates, corporate reports, presentations, etc. Being in a content marketing team, it’s important to plan and implement social media marketing goals and insights.


Blogger: You can be an employed blogger or freelancer that works for an established company or site on specified topics. Bloggers have to write and target a good audience base who help to trust their blogs.


Script Writer: The Audio/video scriptwriter is responsible for creating shoot-ready scripts for video, audio, and multimedia training modules. Strong attention to detail is required while working.

Technical Writers: Technical writers communicate information about a product or service. They use any medium to communicate the information which they collect through extensive research. They produce content mainly for e-learning platforms. They apply their skills for non-technical content as well such as writing for consumers who want information. Primary and secondary research is a must for all technical writers.

What are the courses to become a content writer?

There are different courses available to become a content writer. All you need to choose in the area of interest, here are the list of courses to become a content writer that is:

  • BA English Literature
  • BA Journalism
  • BA Mass Communication
  • BA Journalism and Mass Communication

BA English Literature

Bachelor of Arts English Literature is a 3-year undergraduate course that teaches students about various avenues of English and Indian literature including novels, plays, poetry, prose, etc. Students are taught about the basics and advanced techniques of writing in this course too.

BA Journalism

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism is a UG level program with a duration of 3 years for the regular full-time BA journalism courses. For part-time and dual integrated courses, it may be up to 5 years.

BA Mass Communication

Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication is a UG level program with a duration of 3 years. It is one of the regular full-time BA Mass Communication courses. For part-time and dual integrated courses, it may be up to 5 years. It is designed to help students learn about each constituent of mass media in detail, e.g. newspaper, radio, etc.

BA Journalism and mass communication

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication is a UG level program with a duration of 3 years. It is a regular Full-time BA Journalism and Mass Communication course that includes 6 semesters, every semester had different subjects related to journalism and the mass communication field.

Content Writer Salary

The salary of the content writer is driven by different factors that include experience and brand value. The average salary of a content writer is between INR 13,900 and INR 50,6000 for beginners. For experienced writers, the average salary might be more than INR 50,000. The salary may vary as per the writing skills of a content writer. Every sector nowadays needs a content writer so a candidate having technical knowledge and writing skills can guarantee a job in a technical sector and bag a job offering a salary minimum of INR 50,000.

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