Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) came into existence in 1970 to cater to the needs of availing higher education to the students of Himachal Pradesh. The University has 28 teaching departments in various fields of humanities, science, commerce and other frontier fields of higher education.
Soon after the establishment of the University, HPU started a Directorate of Correspondence Courses to help those students who are otherwise unable to attend the conventional system of classroom education.
Over the years, the Directorate of Correspondence Courses gradually absorbed the emerging philosophy of distance education and adopted multi-media approach for imparting instruction. In view of this, the Directorate of Correspondence Course has been rechristened as the International Centre for Distance Educational and Open Learning (ICDEOL).
Read:Distance Education in India
The students are required to submit written responses to each assignment prescribed at the end of the lesson in accordance with the schedule as may be laid down by the ICDEOL. The Examinations for various courses are conducted at various places within the state as well as in some selected cities of the country.
The courses offered are unconventional, they include Integrated Himalayan Studies Application of Biotechnology in Forestry, Agriculture and Horticulture Mycorrhizal Technology, Ecology, Taxonomy, Ethno Botany, Biodiversity, Wood Science, Honeybees, Cytogenetics, Plant and Animal Physiology, etc.
The application form is to be downloaded from the official site of the university and submittedbefore the last date duly filled with documents. For dates and details visit www.hpuniv.nic.in/
H.P.U Enquiry:
+91-(0177)-2830958, 28333555, 2833515