The PGP in Management programme at IIM Tiruchirappalli (IIM Trichy or IIM T) started from the year 2011-2012. Broadly, the following criteria will be considered at various stages of admission process for selecting candidates:
Also Read: All About IIM Tiruchirappalli
IIM Tiruchirappalli, also known as IIM Trichy, has a cutoff percentile of 90 for General Category candidates for admission to the 2017-2019 session. There has been no definitive change in the overall and sectional cutoff percentile at IIM Trichy in the last few years.
VARC : 80
DI & LR : 80
QA : 80
Overall Percentile : 90
VARC : 60
DI & LR : 60
QA : 60
Overall Percentile : 75
VARC : 50
DI & LR : 50
QA : 50
Overall Percentile : 65
VARC : 72
DI & LR : 72
QA : 72
Overall Percentile : 81
VARC : 50
DI & LR : 50
QA : 50
Overall Percentile : 65
Here’s a look at the criteria for MBA admissions at IIM Trichy for the PI & WAT rounds and the final selection after:
Your CAT 2016 percentile across sections will considered for creating a short-list of candidates for the interview and written test round. The following table indicates the minimum cut-off percentile you must hold in order to be shortlisted. However, the institute will decide upon the number of candidates they want to call for the next stage.
Quantitative Ability + Data Interpretation : 70
Verbal Ability + Logical Reasoning : 70
Overall : 90
Quantitative Ability + Data Interpretation : 63
Verbal Ability + Logical Reasoning : 63
Overall : 81
Quantitative Ability + Data Interpretation : 60
Verbal Ability + Logical Reasoning : 60
Overall : 75
Quantitative Ability + Data Interpretation : 50
Verbal Ability + Logical Reasoning : 50
Overall : 65
Quantitative Ability + Data Interpretation : 55
Verbal Ability + Logical Reasoning : 55
Overall : 70
In case you have been shortlisted by any of the six new IIMs as well as the older IIM institutions, IIM Trichy may obtain your PI and WAT scores directly from these IIMs. You will be informed about it if it happens, and need not appear for the PI and WAT selection round for IIM Trichy separately.
The personal interview and written analysis test will be conducted in the cities of New Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata. You will be sent a formal communication about the exact dates for PI & WAT if shortlisted.
Post the PI & WAT rounds IIM Trichy will compute a composite score of all shortlisted candidates to prepare the final merit list. The parameters used for the selection and the weightage assigned to them is as follows:
UG performance score = (Percentage score at UG level) x (discipline weightage) x 0.10
Different disciplines will be given different weightages to take in account the degree of difficulty in scoring disciplines from different domains (This is because ease of scoring differs – engineering disciplines are easier to score at than arts). The weightages applied are as follows: