MBA Personal Interview Preparation

Qualifying the written test for MBA is just the first step. You still need to cross two major hurdles – Personal Interview (PI) and Group Discussion (GD). You should be confident but not over-confident in your interview. Even though the questions asked in Personal Interview are more or less similar in all the B-Schools but many candidates end up getting nervous or stammer in front of the interviewee as they are not aware as well as prepared for the sort of questions asked.

We are providing you with a set of questions, which are usually asked during the PI. You should prepare answers for such type of questions, as you will feel confident while answering them.

1. Why should we admit you into our MBA program?

2. How do you best describe yourself?

3. What skills or values would you be bringing to the classroom, if you get selected?

4. What are you looking for in this program?

5. Tell me something about yourself?

6. What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses?

7. Where do you want to be in 5 years?

8. Why do you want to study in this institute?

9. What does “success” mean to you?

10. What does “failure” mean to you?

11. What are your three major accomplishments?

12. What according to you is your ideal job and how will this program help you realize the same?

13. What courses are you taking?

14. Which other institutes have you applied to? Reasons for choosing / not choosing them?

15. Why have you chosen this career?

16. Which is the last book you read?

17. Who is your role model?

18. Do you have any questions for us?

19. What are your long term and short-term goals?

20. Talk about a class or school experience from your undergraduate institute that you still remember.

21. Where do you see yourself after the MBA?

22. What types of companies are you interested in working for after completing your MBA?

23. What drives you? What makes you get up in the morning each day?

24. How would your colleagues describe you?
   a. How would your friends describe you?
   b. How would your supervisor describe you?
   c. In five years, how do you hope people describe you?

25. Structured questions with point answers. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 and explain why   

  • Motivation 
  • Collaboration
  • Spirit to Succeed
  • Confidence 
  • Leadership 
  • Organization

Personal Interview (PI) is the last step in fulfilling your dreams of getting admission in a reputed B-School. However, this is just the beginning of a journey, which will take you to your road of success.

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