JIPMER Application Procedure, examination centres, and tentative dates for JIPMER entrance exam are given below:
JIPMER Application Procedure
Application form and the Prospectus can be downloaded from the official website of JIPMER. Application form can also be obtained either in person or by post. In either case the submission of requisite fee amount is necessary.
For exact dates of availability of application form and fee details etc, click here.
JIPMER Examination Centres
The Common Entrance Examination for M.D., M.S. and Diploma courses are conducted at Pondicherry and Chennai. For MBBS course, the Entrance Examination is conducted at Pondicherry, Chennai, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Calcutta and Tiruvananthapuram. For B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses, a common entrance examination is conducted in the Institute at Pondicherry.
JIPMER Tentative Dates
Tentative dates for post graduate degree / post graduate diploma programme offered JIPMER (Jawahar Lal Nehru Institute of Post graduate Medical Education & research) Pondicherry are given below.
Availability of Application Form: December
Date of Entrance Examination: February
For exact dates click here.