AIIMS MBBS student shared myths and reality about NEET preparation.

An AIIMS MBBS student busted the myths created by the coaching institutes in india about NEET preparation. Full story below:

NEET 2022 preparation

Growing up in India, we know firsthand the pressure students face to enter the medical profession. It’s almost like it’s the default choice for any school-going kid when they don’t have a predetermined choice. Thousands of aspirants battle it out for their seats during the NEET examination, taken every year. 

Preparation for NEET usually starts in the school years for many students, and some even drop some years after school to prepare for the NEET exams. We all have several false beliefs about NEET preparation based on what we hear. 

Hariom Patel, who is currently an AIIMS MBBS student, shared some myths and realities about NEET PG preparation. Let’s take a look at them.

  • Myth: You need 2/3/4/5 years for preparation.

      Reality: You need only 6 months of preparation

  • Myth: You need to finish all the humongous notes of coachings/review books.

     Reality: You need to review the previous 3 years’ question papers, make a list of the topics asked, and read them in detail.

  • Myth: The exam is not clinical

      Reality: In the past few years, the exam has started focusing more on clinical questions.

Giving blame to coaching institutes in India, Hariom Patel said, “All these myths are spread by the cash loaded PG coaching business with the help of toppers. They have succeeded in making the aspirants believe they decide the syllabus of the exam and to finish that you need to start preparation from 1st/2nd year itself.”

If you look at it in terms of revenue, these coaching businesses get 5 times as much revenue by convincing you to start preparing (and subscribe to their apps) from the first year as compared to the standard 6 month preparation.- Hariom Patel

Adding further to this, Patel added, “Their god level marketing skills have penetrated their propaganda so deeply into the minds of even the brightest minds of the country that it is difficult for someone to think contrary to what they want us to think. The level of FOMO that they have created is touching the roof. “

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