CAT 2022 preparation strategy covers all important topics, syllabus, and practice question papers to better prepare for the MBA exam. Know the study plan here.
With just 2 months left, MBA aspirants who aspire to pursue management programs at Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) will have to have a strategy to clear the CAT exam in 2022.
This series will start today, September 19, 2022, and will run in a row for 60 days. It will contain a total of 60 articles, that is one article per day. The entire CAT syllabus 2022 for all three subjects is equally divided into 60 days. The series will end on November 17 giving students another 10 days to revise important topics.
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM Bangalore) has recently extended the CAT 2022 registration window till September 21, 2022. Applicants will have to submit their CAT application form 2022 on the official website, The CAT 2022 exam date is November 27.
By following the 60-day preparation series, aspirants will be able to better prepare for the MBA entrance exam in an easier way. Candidates will be able to access a proper schedule and a 60-day study plan with tips for each topic in all subjects free of cost.
Each article will have an introduction to the topic being discussed, prerequisites of the topic, the importance of the topic with respect to real life and the CAT exam, questions from CAT previous year’s papers with solutions, and a short trick discussion. The article will also have references to studying more theory and references for practice.
The CAT exam for MBA has three sections – Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Aptitude (QA). Students will get 40 minutes for each section, whereas PwD students will get 53 minutes and 20 seconds.
The CAT question paper will have 60 questions with 198 marks and will be held in computer-based mode (CBT). Candidates will be awarded 3 marks for every correct answer and one mark will be deducted for every wrong answer. Further, no negative marks for non-multiple-choice questions (MCQs).