The CBSE Class 12 Compartment Results for the year 2022 have been released! If you appeared for the exams, you can now check your results by following the steps and instructions provided below. All you need to do is go to and enter your roll number in the link provided here to access your results.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the Class 12 compartment results for the August examinations. Students can now check their results on the official website
The Class 10 compartment exam is scheduled to be held in a day or two and the results will be declared shortly thereafter. The CBSE has also provided a direct link for students to check their results. Schools will also be sent the results through Pariksha Sangam.
The CBSE Compartment Result for Class 10 has not been announced as of yet, however the Result for Class 12 was released today, September 7th. The CBSE Compartment Result for Class 10 will be announced a few days later.
 Students who have appeared for the compartment examination can download their revised mark sheet for Class 12 from DigiLocker. If they are facing any issues, they are advised to get in touch with their respective schools.
For students who have failed to pass their compartmental examinations, they can appear for the subject(s) as a private candidate next year. As for the format of examinations next year, clarification would be shared by the CBSE at a later date.