M. Jagadish Kumar, the chairman of UGC said the equipercentile method would be used for result calculation unlike the percentile method which is used for exams conducted in a single session as CUET was conducted in multiple sessions.
The Common University entrance test is conducted in 27 different subjects where candidates choose the combination of subjects and the scorecard will be used for admissions to different universities. The test is conducted over a period of six weeks.
As it becomes difficult to compare the scores of students writing the same subject exam on different days, the equipercentile method of normalizing marks using percentiles of each group of students who gave exam in the same session will be used.
For calculating normalized marks, the percentile of each group of students for each session of exam is calculated using the raw marks scored.If 100 students have taken the exam in a given shift, their marks are sorted in decreasing order. Assuming one of the students has scored 87% and 80 of 100 students have scored less than 87%, the marks of this student with 87% would be 80/100=0.8. The percentile will always remain between 0 and 1 and is usually rounded off.
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If six students have given the exam and three of them have given in shift 1 and remaining three in shift 2 for the same subject, the percentiles are first calculated using raw marks. These are then arranged in decreasing order. Their raw marks in each test and each shift are also noted against their percentiles Hence a table of students’ name, their percentile, raw marks in shift one and shift two is formed. But the data for shift one will be missing for candidates who appeared for shift two. The Interpolation method will be used for filling this data. The average of actual raw marks and interpolated raw marks will give the normalized marks. This is known to be the most accurate method for normalization of marks. These normalized marks would be published in the scorecard.