WBJEE Counselling schedule has been released for JEE Main candidates on the official website, wbjeeb.nic.in

Parijat Chauhan

Parijat Chauhan

The counseling schedule for JEE Mains candidates has been released by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB). According to the schedule, WBJEEB will commence counseling for JEE Mains candidates from September 29, 2022.


The WBJEE Counselling schedule for JEE Mains candidates has been released by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board. Candidates are required to fill in their choices and pay the registration fee on or before September 29, 2022. The counseling will commence from that date onwards.

As a JEE Mains rank holder, you’ll be able to get admission to undergraduate courses in engineering, technology, pharmacy and architecture in universities, government colleges and self-financed institutes in the state of West Bengal. You’ll need to register yourself on the official website–wbjeec.nic.in as per the prescribed schedule.

WBJEE-JEE Mains Counselling Schedule 2022

Registration process

September 29 to October 11, 2022

Choice filling and locking

October 10 to 11, 2022

1st round seat allotment result

September 14, 2022

2nd round seat allotment result


The counseling process for the WBJEEB will begin on October 10 and end on October 11, 2022. Candidates will be required to fill and lock their choices during this time. The first-round seat allotment result will be released on October 14, 2022. Candidates who are allotted seats will be required to pay the seat acceptance fee and report to the allotted college for document verification and admission.

All candidates appearing for WBJEE Counselling must attend the document verification round and produce the following documents: JEE Mains rank card, Provisional seat allotment letter, Educational certificates, Class 10 and 12 mark sheets, among others. For more detailed instructions, please check the WBJEEB Counselling instructions.

How To Register for WBJEE Counselling

Step 1: Candidates must go to the official website, wbjeeb.nic.in, to register.

Step 2: Then, click on the link that reads, “Registration and Choice Filling.”

Step 3: Log in with the credentials.

Step 4: After that, candidates must finish the registration procedure by completing the application form.

Step 5: Complete the WBJEE 2022 Counseling Fee payment process online.

Choose your selected college and course in Step 6.

Step 7: Complete the West Bengal JEE Counselling Registration Form and submit it.

Step 8: Complete and submit the West Bengal JEE Counseling Registration Form

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Ian mkenda
Ian mkenda
2 years ago

I’m not sure if I can join this course please next time

Srijita Saha
Srijita Saha
2 years ago

If I join any govt college for architecture can I give jee mains and advance next year?

2 years ago
Reply to  Srijita Saha

Yes you can