Farmer’s son studying with a government scholarship gets an AIR 6 in civil services.

A farmer’s son, Yaksh, who studied with the help of government scholarships has gotten an AIR 6 in civil services. His aim is to serve society.


Yaksh Chaudhry, son of a farmer from Uttar Pradesh, has done his education with the help of a scholarship provided by the government. The scholarship was formed to help low-income but praiseworthy students. Yaksh is now set to become an IAS officer and aims to serve society. He is now an inspiration for thousands of people who struggle to make ends meet and also continue their studies.

This soon-to-be IAS officer cracked the exams in his third attempt. In his first attempt in 2019, Yaksh could only clear prelims exams. In his second attempt, he cleared prelims and mains exams, but could not crack the interview round. At last in his third attempt, Yaksh, not only cleared the civil services exams but also got the All India Rank 6.

Hailing from a middle-class family, Yaksh has completed his Btech from IIT Guwahati using the help of a government-provided scholarship. After completing his bachelor’s, yaksh started to prepare for civil services instead of applying for jobs in campus placement. 

“My inspiration comes from my zeal to work for my society. I want to help and solve problems in society and I think I can do so by being part of the administration. I had always wanted to join UPSC and had not opted for MTech or anything else,” explained Yaksh in an interview.