On Wednesday, the NEET UG 2022 results were announced and Hrishikesh Gangule of Bengaluru placed 3rd with a score of 715/720. As the son of software engineer parents from Karnataka, Hrishikesh has known since he was a child that he wanted to be a doctor.
The transition from offline to online learning during the pandemic was quite smooth for Hrishikesh. He found that he could clear his doubts in a better way and give more time for self-study. Teachers were always available to him in the online mode because he could always connect with them through WhatsApp and other means. If he missed any class, recorded videos were available for him on iTutor. He was not worried about missing any topic.
Decoding the NEET UG 2022 Paper
“I was able to correctly answer all 200 questions on the NEET UG 2022 paper,” says Hrishikesh. He credits his success to studying primarily from NCERT textbooks in all three subjects: physics, chemistry, and biology.
“I started noticing this trend after observing both the 2020 and 2021 papers. I knew that if I wanted to do well on the 2022 paper, I needed to focus my studying on NCERT,” he says.
Hrishikesh initially focused more on biology, but after scanning the NEET 2021 paper, he decided he needed to balance his studying across all three subjects.
“I made sure I learned all the numerical values, data points, tables, graphs, and diagrams in the NCERT textbook,” says the NEET topper.
NEET topper Abhishek Joshi shares the top de-stressing strategy that helped him stay focused and ace his exams.
“I found that I couldn’t focus on studies after studying for more than 2 hours at a stretch. I found that I couldn’t assimilate whatever I had studied beyond that,” he says.
De-stressing for this NEET topper meant reading PG Wodehouse novels, painting, or watching wildlife documentaries.
“I took these periodic breaks for only a short time, around 15 minutes, after which I was able to focus on studies completely once again,” he says.
He said this strategy helped him keep a clear head and understand the concepts much better.