The ICAI CA Final exams are scheduled to be held from November 1, 2022, and CA Intermediate exams will begin on November 2.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) will issue the CA Final and Intermediate admit card for the November session soon on its official website. Candidates who have filled out the CA Final and Intermediate exam form will be able to download the CA Inter and Final admit card for the November session from the ICAI examination portal.
The CA final November 2022 exams will be held from November 1, 2022, in offline mode. Whereas, CA Intermediate exams for the November session will be conducted from November 2, 2022.
Candidates can follow the steps given below to download the CA foundation admit card from the official website.
Candidates should note that the ICAI will not send any physical admit cards to candidates. Therefore, candidates should download and take a printout of the admit card as soon as it is released online.
The information given below will be printed on the ICAI CA Inter and Final admit card.