The education minister is on 4 days australia visit to explore collaboration in education.

The union education minister is visiting Australia for 4 days to explore the collaboration of education and skill development between Australia and India. Read to learn more.

Education minister on 4 days australia visit

Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan is visiting Australia for four days in order to strengthen Indo-Australian relations and explore possibilities for collaboration and cooperation in education and skill development. The Education and Skill Development Minister said that reforms in India’s education sector and the improved bilateral relations between India and Australia had created numerous opportunities for both countries to establish the knowledge economy as a key pillar of our cooperation.

Also read: Pradhan says “New Education Policy aims to make education accessible to all”.

In a statement before his departure, he said he was confident the visit would bring our shared purpose closer, help build knowledge bridges between nations, broaden our engagement in areas like education and research, and deepen people-to-people ties. 

On Sunday, the minister will meet with the Indian diaspora. The next day, Dharmendra will visit Western Sydney University to co-chair the 6th meeting of the Australia India Education Council with Australian counterpart Jason Clare.

On August 23, the Minister of Education is scheduled to visit the Kangan Institute and Deakin University in Melbourne. He will be meeting with academicians, leaders of the Australian education system, and the vibrant Indian diaspora residing in Melbourne. Dharmendra will also be holding a virtual bilateral meeting with Brendan O’Connor MP, Minister for Skills and Training.

The next day, the minister will be holding a dialogue with the Group of Eight. The goal of the dialogue is to build a successful Australia-India research collaboration. He will also be holding another dialogue with the Australian Indian Chamber of Commerce and Monash University. Later on, the minister will be interacting with Indian students.