
We are India’s largest online educational network of 45 websites covering the entire gamut of education in India with individual portals for all 28 states, 4 metro cities, 4 major cities and 6 Union Territories (UTs).

India being a huge country with more than 1.25 billion population and so much of diversity from one state to the other in the education system, method of learning and languages, it became almost impossible to cover the entire system under one website. Hence, it was more of a necessity than anything else, which inspired us to create this network.

We have classified all sites under different zones for an easy access. We present to you the 45 websites part of our “national network of education”:

Main Portals

North Zone Portals

South Zone Portals


East Zone Portals

West Zone Portals

Central Zone Portals

North-east Zone Portals

Related Links

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