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Oracle APEX Online and Classroom Training


Oracle APEX Training at SMC will allow you to learn to develop applications with Apex. It will also help you understand the Concepts and Architecture of Oracle Application Express(previously know as HTML DB).This course will cover a wide variety of tips, techniques, development practices and workflows which will not only help to increase your productivity but also assist in making your development easier and more maintainable. As part of this course participants will get hands on experience by developing two Oracle Apex Application from scratch to end. Training would focus and ensure that the participants are comfortable using APEX.Training Duration3 WeeksWho Can BenefitOracle Forms DevelopersWeb DevelopersApplication DevelopersBasic to intermediate Oracle Apex usersCourse Contents1. Oracle Application Express2. SQL Workshop 3. Build An Application4. Pages and Regions5. Create Forms6. Items and Buttons7. Page Processing8. Add Shared Navigation Components9. Other S

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